Chapter 28 - A fight between the Two Brothers

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L pulled away from the kiss and Minji just sat there.

Kai walked in angrily and grabbed L's collar. He then punched him.

"Jongin-ah!" Minji shrieked.

L wiped the blood on his lips and look at his younger brother.


"Why?! Why did you do that, Hyung?! You know Minji is my girlfriend!" Kai snapped.

"I'm sorry. But I have feelings for her first." L said.

"No, I did. I got her first before you did! You know Minji is mine and you do this to me?! Your own brother!" Kai snapped and then pushed L away.

"I'm really sorry but I couldn't take it anymore." L said.

Kai was about to charge at him, but then he felt arms around his waist.

"Hajima, Jongin. Jebal...jebal." Minji mumbled, in a shaking voice tone.

Her voice sort of calmed Kai down. He then took a deep breath and looked away, not making eye contact.

L looked at his brother with sadness.

"I'll see you at home." L said and then left.

Minji let go of Kai's waist and didn't make eye contact with him.

Kai didn't say anything but he walked towards the door.


He stopped but didn't look at Minji.
"Please don't fight with him again. He's your brother." Minji said.

"No promises. And...." He finally looked at her.

"And why did you kiss him?" He asked.
"I didn't, Jongin. Honest." Minji replied.

"That's a lie. If he kissed you, you should've moved away!" Kai yelled.

"Does it look like I kissed him?! He kissed me?! Honestly, have I ever lie to you, Jongin?!" Minji snapped.

"You never did lie to me." Kai said.
"Then why don't you believe me, Jongin?" Minji asked.

Kai looked away as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"For what I looks like you enjoyed it." Kai sneered.


"Don't even try to explain to me, Minji. I saw the whole kissing thing." Kai cut her off in mid-sentence.

"Jongin, please liste----"

"Andwae...I've been through a lot. I guess...fate is just playing with us." Kai said.

"What? What are you saying?" Minji asked.

"I'm saying we're done." Kai replied as he left the cafe.

Minji collapsed on the ground shocked. She felt like a bullet shot through her heart, making it shattered.

As for Kai, he walked through town slowly...he then walked through an alley and starts to have tantrums. Like punching the brick wall, kicking the trash cans and other stuff he can do to himself.

A transparent Yoona watched her own cousin, crying on the floor. Yoona didn't like it.

She went through the window and comfort Minji, but only Minji can feel the will make her feel better.

"Unnie...where are you when I needed you." Minji cried softly.

Yoona showed a small smile on her face and hugged her.

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