Chapter 48

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"I know this is all of a sudden, but I want to make this prefect for us. We've been together for almost 4 years now....and I finally realized that you're the one. The one that I love the most is you. Im Minji...will you marry me?"

Minji stood there, speechless. And no words are coming out.

The girls arrived in the kitchen.
"Did we miss anything?" Seohyun whispered.

"Ani. You're just in time." Chanyeol whispered back.

Kai was still on his knees as he was holding the ring, waiting for an answer. He then saw tears fell onto her cheek.

"H-Hey. I didn't say anything wrong, right?" Kai asked.

Minji shook her head.
"No, you didn't. It's just..."

"I should've rehearsed with DO before." Kai said.

"It was prefect, Jongin." Minji said.
Kai looked at her, waiting.

"I never knew this would happen and I felt like I'm dreaming a-and...are you serious?" Minji asked.

"Yes, I'm serious. So...what's your answer, Minji?" Kai replied.

Minji smiled as her tears fall. She held Kai's arms and help him stood up.

"My answer is...yes."

Kai smiled and slid the ring onto her finger.

"Can I kiss you now?" Kai asked.
Minji nodded.

Kai smashed his lips onto her lips, gently.


Kai and Minji pulled away from each other and looked at the others who came out of the kitchen.

"Congrats! So happy for you, Minji!" Krystal shouted.

" guys knew?" Minji asked.
"Ne! Kai planned it all out." Suho replied.

"He wanted to make everything prefect for you so you can remember it everyday. All the credits goes to him." Baekhyun said.

"Ani. The credits goes to all my friends who helped me out. Thanks guys." Kai said.

"Let's celebrate and hang out until midnight!" Chanyeol exclaimed.
"YEHET!" Sehun exclaimed as well.

They started to go wild as they started to pour soju.



"Saranghae." Kai said.
"Nado Saranghae." Minji said, smiling.

Kai smiled and brought her closer to him.

"Oh and one more thing." He said.
"What's that?" Minji asked.

"Never call anyone else 'Oppa' but me." He replied.

Minji giggled.
"Arasso. But I'll only call them 'Oppa' if they're a close friend of mine."

"Yah, I mean it." He said.
"Just kidding. I will call you 'Oppa' only then." Minji said as she kissed his cheek.

Kai grinned.
"That's good."

"Still, I'll still call them Oppa." Minji said, as she smirked.


Minji giggled and hugged him tight.
The next day, Minji went back to the cafe, helping Seohyun and Krystal.

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