The Hunters visit.

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ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO RICK RIORDON AND JK ROWLING! THIS TAKES PLACE before Voldemort and Dumbledore died and before the mark of Athena.

Also it would make me so happy if you check out my other stories such as A Change of Hart.

Chapter One.

~Percy's POV~

"Can't catch me wise girl!" I shout over my shoulder mockingly. If your wondering why Annabeth is chasing me, lets just say you don't want to get on Annabeth's bad side.

I race past the Pegasus stables and through the dinning pavilion. I can hear Annabeth's footsteps close behind me. I know I can't out run her much longer, it's only a matter of seconds before she catches up to me.

I make a beeline to the lake, here I'll have an advantage. I kick my shoes and socks off before stepping into the water. Strength surges through me and I get into a fighting stance, riptide -in pen form- in my hand.

Annabeth stops a few feet away from me knowing I have the water on my side. I smirk at her cockily.

"Why don't you come closer?" I ask trying to play innocent.

"Yeah right seaweed brain, did you forget who my mother is?" She asks acting hurt. "Do you really believe I'm dumb enough to fall for that?"

I shrug and uncap Riptide. Looks like we're gonna duel. She unsheathes her dagger. The one Luke gave her so long ago when she was only seven years old.

"Bring it on." She says guessing what I'm thinking.

"Ok but remember you asked for it." I say before concentrating on the water. I feel the familiar tugging sensation in my gut as I concentrate on creating a wall of water behind me. Ready to come crashing down if I need it.

Annabeth dashes forward and slashes at me with her dagger. I easily sidestep and go to slice her right arm. She blocks and we continue to fight.

I'm good with a sword -the best swordsman at camp- but Annabeth is good in battle strategy and she can easily out smart me. We have both been fighting together for years so we know each others battle strategies so its a pretty fair fight.

Until Annabeth manages to knock Riptide out of my hand and steps forward pointing her dagger at my throat. I close my eyes making her think I surrender but instead I concentrate on the wall of water behind me.

It comes crashing down on us. I will myself to stay dry while Annabeth gets soaked. I laugh as she shoots daggers at me, if looks could kill...

"Perceus Jackson you are so dead!" She screams. I gulp and take of running to the big house. We pass a few demigods all of who laugh when they see me running with a soaked Annabeth chasing me, cursing in Greek.

"You better run Percy!" Someone screams as I run past.

"I bet two drachmas Percy ends up on his knees begging for forgiveness." One camper says to his friend.

"Your on." The friend replies.

I shake my head and continue to run. I knock over a new camper who just showed up and is looking shocked. I chuckle at her expression wondering if that's what I looked like when I first showed up at Camp Half-Blood.

"Sorry." I stop and help her up. She stares at me weirdly.

"PERCY!" I hear Annabeth yell. I curse in Greek and turn back to the girl.

"Well it was nice meeting you! Gotta go bye." I rush out before sprinting into the rec room were we have the counselor meetings. I stop when I see Chiron talking with the goddess Artemis.

When Worlds Collide (a Harry Potter and Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now