Back to the Burrow

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This story belongs to 'PrincessPotter'. The characters belong to JK Rowling.


Back to the Burrow

After Dumbledore's funeral Harry returned to the Dursley's for one week. He had promised Dumbledore that he would return and so he did, showing up on their doorstep a few days after the funeral. "What, you're not dead yet?" his uncle had grumbled when he opened the door. They hadn't bothered to pick him up when he arrived at the train station so he had caught a taxi. He didn't waste his breath telling them what had happened because he knew they wouldn't care and headed straight to his room.

He stayed in his room most of the time, counting down the days until he got to return to the Burrow. Hermione had given him instructions for a potion that would fix his vision and he worked on making it so that he wouldn't need his glasses. He practiced his spells and went for a run each morning. He filled his time preparing for the task ahead of him... finding the remaining Horcruxes and bringing down Voldemort before he was killed.

It was only at night, when he was trying to go to sleep that he allowed his thoughts to move to Ginny. He wanted to see her - to be near her and hear her laugh. He knew he had broken up with her to protect her, but that didn't stop the empty feeling in his stomach. It had been there since he had walked away from her at the funeral and he couldn't get it to go away.

He couldn't get the nightmares to go away either. They didn't happen every night, but when he had them they were powerful. As he slept he would relive the moments of Dumbledore's death and the scene often morphed into other deaths and situations that he was afraid of. He would wake up trembling, covered with sweat and dread the moment when he fell back to sleep.

Ron and Mr. Weasley arrived early on the morning Harry was supposed to leave with them. Harry was packed and waiting in the living room, his aunt and uncle sitting stiffly across from him. Dudley refused to come down after hearing that more of "his kind" were going to be there.

Harry didn't bother saying goodbye; he just nodded and walked out the door, happy to never see them again. A part of him was almost a little disappointed to leave for the sheer fact that he knew they were miserable when he was there.

They arrived at the Burrow around noon and Mrs. Weasley ran out to meet them, pulling Harry into a hug. "Harry dear! I'm so glad you're here! You know, I just couldn't feel good about you going back to that horrible place, I don't care what Dumbledore wanted."

"It wasn't too bad," Harry told her, his eyes drifting behind her, looking for Ginny but not finding her. He couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that she hadn't come out to meet him, even though he knew he had no right to feel that way and no reason to expect it.

Mrs. Weasley ushered them all into the house where they found Hermione in the kitchen, putting snacks out on the table. "Harry! You're here!" she exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. "How was it? Were they horrible? How about your cousin, was he bigger than ever? And what about the potion..." Harry laughed as she continued to rattle off questions and held her away from him.

"Ok Hermione, take a breath, it was fine... are these for me?" he asked, grabbing a biscuit from the table.

They stood around talking and eating snacks for a few minutes before Ginny came into the room, stopping short when she saw him. She had been planning on being gone when he arrived, but apparently that wasn't going to work now. How are they already here? Hermione they weren't going to get him until noon.

He was laughing at a story Ron was telling about visiting Fred and George but he trailed off when he saw her. It had only been a week but it felt like he hadn't seen her for months and he took in the sight of her. She looks bloody gorgeous he thought as his gaze traveled over her. She hadn't straightened her hair, and is fell in soft curls, framing her face, and she had on a denim skirt and a green halter, the color enhancing her hair. He could tell she was uncomfortable as she ran a hand through it and bit her lip. She always does that, he thought.

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