I wonder what I will ever do.
For I am always bearing,
The weight of your skin and bones upon
My weary shoulders.I wear the heaviness
Of your sins on my back
And it is crushing me like
There's a four door SUV
Perched on my chest
Beating down upon me like
Thousands of jagged rocks thrown off
The edge of a cliff.All these injuries you gave me
Over the span of two years are
Deep cuts, small scrapes, jagged burns,
Achy muscles, broken bones, scarred brains and most of all a
Completely destroyed psycheI draped the weight of
All the scars you left upon my soul
In heavy marks laced across
The slope of my porcelain skin and I
Concealed them for years underA beautiful robe sewn in
All the time I have spent waiting for you
To changeI'm here to say you ruined me.
Here and now I am
Going to uncloak myself of you
Shed every burden and burn
Every bridge as I walk across it and
I'm going to heal the scars left upon my
Placid skin and I'm going to
Sew myself back together and I'm going to
Do it on my own time.Over these two years, you not only
Destroyed me, you
Exhausted me, you drained me of all energy I had and
It took me too long to realize it, to realize why I was so dead insideI was so dead inside because you killed me
You stole the happiness and the life I had left and
Buried it deep under the ground with rotting soil
Along with the love we once had.It's not ever coming back.
I don't want you back.
I want to heal after so many years of being beaten and just taking it.1/15/16 3:48 AM
Things change and they change very fast.
I used to frown when the leaves started changing and the air turned biting and
Now I smile as the seasons pass.
It took me a while to get here but
I did it on my own and it's because I decided
The rest of my life wasn't going to be dark and spent hiding behind all these masks I wear.I still hurt and I still cry and I still feel, yeah
But not all of my days are spent doing that
And if they are, I bring myself out of itOn my own. By myself.
Because I am mine
before I am
anyone else's.
Distant Thoughts
Poetryhow to: get over your first love write a book about your experience with heartbreak -- 1. "You are like the wind Sometimes here, sometimes not Maybe I ought To have known that now Is the time you aren't" 2. "I'm running out of things to say Please...