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...I walk around the room. I check the room finding an empty seat, I sit and stare down the devil himself.

"So, lets get down to business." He snarls, clasping his hands together he lets out a demented laugh, "Chief, bring in the box." He raises his hand is a lazy manor pointing to the guard at the door. The guards helmet covers his eyes as he nods. I keep a straight face, not wanting anyone to suspect anything. The guard reenters the room pulling along a large container, he drags it to the centre of the room. I keep my eyes on the devil as he gets his minions to open the box, side by side the walls of the box drop to the side until only a small box in the centre of the now open box sits. The devil stands raising his hands signalling me to stand. He trots down the stairs on the right of his seat. He stands in front of the box and I join him. He lifts the small box and cups it with both hands.

"Open it" I lift the lid and regret it instantly. I inhale a green puff of fumes, dropping the box I fall to the ground.

"No" A small mumble is the last thing I hear.

Storms POV

My eyes widen as Ryder falls to the ground. I brush it off not wanting to grab anyone's attention. I lock eyes with Harry n his jaw is locked but he is silent. He knows he can't risk this,

"No" The girl in the corner screams pulling at her chains. A single tear escapes her eye, Zayn walks towards her grabbing her jaw making my gulp closing my eyes, the guy next to me nudges me tutting,

"New?" He questions, I open my eyes looking down at him and I nod, the only thing I can do. He chuckles looking towards the 'boss'

"Sir, get this guy to take her down." My eyes widen as I move my stare from him to Harry, he slightly nods and I look back to the devil and he has a smirk present. He opens his arms gesturing for me to come forward. I step down tensing my jaw as I come face to face with the real guy himself.

"Take her to my sons chamber, he can have his fun and when he is done, take her to the dungeons." He laughs. I gulp, nodding, lifting her under her arms I chuck her over my shoulder, turning around I walk towards the door that the guards opened, I look for Harry but he isn't there. I look to the floor as I carry her out of the room. The guards shut the doors behind me and I let out a deep breath. Ryder sturs in my arms, she is one strong cookie. I walk down the hall to where hade is. I start to jog as voices become clearer, Hade and Harry are together. I catch up to them swinging her off my shoulders and into a cradle position. Harry reaches out to grab her from me but I move back shaking my head. His jaw locks looking over towards Hade.

"Take her to one of Penny's elves and order them to take her to a safe place." I order passing her onto Hade, I turn to Harry as Hade rushes off,

"Punch me" I order. Harry's face is a mixture of confusion and humor, I tut.

"Make it look like Ryder made a run for it" Harry's face lightens, smirk present.

"If you insist" He bobs his head as he bits his lip inhaling fast as he lifts his right hand and makes connection with my left check. I fall flat down, head bashing off the floor, I wince in pain I keep my eyes closed as I mumble a small 'go' to Harry as I lay on the ground. 

Junes POV

The room Is silent, my wrists ache, my body weak. Zayn won't stop pacing, the heals of his boots click every time he takes another step. One of the guards just rushed in all fussed saying Ryder was missing. The guard behind him held a man with his hands behind his back, he had a red cheek, newly bruised. 

"Either expel him from this world or take him to the dungeons, your choice." He smirks but it doesn't last, his face turns sour as he realizes his plans might now work.

Part one finished. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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