Angels and Demons part 1

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I shut my eyes, enjoying the sensation of Harry's lip on mine. My first kiss, my first kiss. Harry Styles was my first kiss. Butterflies explode within my stomach. I place my hands through Harry's luscious curls, pulling at the ends making Harry moan into my mouth earning a smile from me. Harry slides his hands down my body making me shriek, opening my mouth in shock allowing Harry to slip his tongue into my mouth. The cheeky b-

"What on earth is going on in here!" My mother shouts. I shriek pushing Harry off of me sitting up on the bed.

"Mother I-" I brush my hair to one side before looking down at my bed spread.

"Ryder I will talk to you later on, in private" Her voice was stern, she strutted back out of my room slamming the door behind her. I turn to Harry wide eyed but he bursts out laughing and I have to cover my mouth to contain myself.

"Talk about awkward" Harry blurts out making me nod covering my eyes. Harry removes me hands from my face and places them around his neck, he rests his forehead against mine and my breath hitches in my throat. I close my eyes taking in his scent.

"Open your eyes princess" Harry demands and I do so.

"Don't call me that, i'm Ryder, Ryder Rose" I smile, unexpectedly Harry pecks my lips. I push back away from Harry placing my back on the head board.

"Are you staying or?" I ask Harry in wonder. He lies down next to me.

"I will if you want me to" He half heartedly smiles up at me. I nod yes.

"Should I go get you some clothes for bed?" I ask getting up off of bed.

"Na I'll be fine" He stands up unbuckling his belt and I turn around as fast as possible. I hear Harry chuckle in the background. A few moments later Harry tells me he's ready, when I turn around I jumped back at how close Harry was to me. He stood there, in only his briefs, I snigger at his tight pants. I look back up at Harry and see him staring with a large smile.

"Do you want to borrow my dressing gown?" I smile and Harry ignores my question turning around, jumping on my bed and crawling under the covers. I shake my head before locking my door. I move over to my lamp switching it on then turning off the main light. I climb in next to Harry.

"What do you have to tell me" I ask Harry as I slip down the bed, placing my head on my pillow facing Harry.

"Well, your mother is the queen of our world and shes called Sarrine. You have her eyes. Your father is called Tarhum and he is in charge of the armed forces. You have his smile." He strokes my face before continuing.

"Ok so, as you know we're the angels of the Higherland. And when there are Angels, there are Demons, Demons of the Underworld. You've already seen Mazlyn, she's the wing man of the head demon. And the head of the demons is my father." He seems so disappointed with his father.

"There are certain people in both worlds which want you. They've come down to Earth to get what they want and that is the princess of the Angels. Do you remember the little park incident? well one of the kids there was a Demon, he'd set it up, he wanted to get you when your guard was down and if that meant for you to get raped then he would have gone to any lengths to get you." I gulp at his words.

"The Demons are easily noticeable to us Angels. But one certain Demon is able to manipulate others into getting what he wants and he is Zayn. Zayn is my fathers adopted son" He growls.

"Zayn has been taught many lessons on how to manipulate others, but you, he cannot. His 'charms' don't work on you. You have the strength, the power, the ability to knock him down and if that means a kick in the balls then so be it." Harry smiles at me and I flush.

"You may have noticed that you aren't easily hurt. Check your wrist" He picks up my wrist analyzing it before continuing, "any human or average Angel would still have the deep cuts in their wrist, but for you, the pain doesn't last. You have many gift because of your family history. These are; unable to break bones due to healing powers, memory scare, now this one is the one power you used on the Demon earlier, Demons don't like cute memory flash backs as it hurts their black souls. You also have the power of changing peoples emotions, you can also protect your loved ones or others around you, if you sense danger then your body gives off a odour warning others of the danger." Harry was constantly playing with my hair through out talking.

"As you already know you were adopted by Mr and Mrs Rose as a baby because you were the target in the battle of Sfork. Your father lost his leg in this battle. And you, even though you were a baby, you let your loved ones know of the dangers which will occur, this was the reason why you were sent down to Earth." Harry was now looking up at the ceiling.

"You were all across the news nearly every year, 'when will the princess return' 'Princess is needed' 'Another year gone and still no sign' 'who will find the princess?' and that is what i'm here for" He spoke with self confidence and strength of the task he is doing for his world, for our world.


Heyyyy.......hope you enjoyed it. I will continue this chapter as part 2 asap. Please vote. Thank you for reading.

Twitter: @JaisSlushPuppy

Instagram: @JaisSlushPuppy

Molly x

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