The club

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A/N: hey sugarrr. Right so this chapter is gonna start off at where we left. Okay. Bye.

Molly x


Harry had his rather large hands tightly rapped around my waist. I looked around the dance floor trying to find Daisy or Rob.

I saw Daisy near the bar. She was with someone. No. It can't be. She's with Rob. His slender arms were round her slim body. They were laughing peacefully. Harry saw me staring and squeezed my waist lightly. He leaned down to my ear and spoke.

"They're together" those two words had me frozen. They were together? But? What? How? I looked at the 'couple' still confused.

"But-" I was cut off by Harry placing his slender finger over my trembling mouth. I looked up at Harry, he shook his head vigorously. His hair moving with his action. He let out a low chuckle. You could barely hear it due to the environment we're in. Harry looked down at me. Smirk present.

"It was a plan" he stopped, his smirk growing by the minute. He saw my confused look and carried on.

"Ever since that day at the restaurant I knew you were mine." He pulled me closer to his chest making me puff out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

**flashback to Ryder's birthday**

Harry's POV

I was sat at my usual spot with Rob sat in front of me. We were currently talking about the game that happened on the Saturday just gone when the bell of the restaurant door sang, signalling that someone has just arrived. Rob stood up, telling me he'd be back in a minute.

I took a glance to see who it was. Just a family I thought looking down at my food. I wasn't really hungry. My attention quickly turned to the family that just arrived as Rob was talking rather loudly. I observed the table. There was a well build man with dark shaggy curls sat at the end of the table, next to him was, who I'm guessing is his wife, she had long brown hair, I couldn't see her face as she was facing the wall. Next to her was a young boy, he also had brown hair, I couldn't see his face either for the same reason. Finally that last person. She sat opposite the older woman. I could see her features very well. She was beautiful. She had dark brown curls, just like her father, (I think it's her father?) she had been blushing for reasons I don't know. She had light blue eyes which twinkled in the light.

I hadn't notice that Rob had came back to the table until I heard him snap his fingers in my direction. I snapped out of my gaze and looked at Rob who was smirking.

"She's a beauty right?" he stated starting to laugh. I hummed in response. Rob had a girlfriend called Daisy, I set them up and I was quite proud of the fact. I looked over to the girl who was watching her father. Rob laughed making me frown at him.

"What?" I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest like a kid.

"Let's make a plan" Rob said leaning on his elbows, looking straight into my eyes. I cocked an eyebrow up to say 'and that is?' He understood my questionable look and he continued.

"As you know I have a girlfriend..." he stated, " fact is you need a girl bro" he laughs making me tut, rolling my eyes.

"Your point is?" I asked annoyed at his previous statement.

"Right, the plan is, i'll go over there act like I'm interested in her, give her my number and in a few days I will ask her out on a date to a club and you, my friend, will be there to dance the night away" he spoke so fondly of this that I started to believe it could actually work.

**end of flashback**

(A/N: Ryder's view like before)

Harry had told me of his and Rob's plan and I felt used. I tried to push on Harry's chest. I wanted out of his death grip. A frown appeared on his strong features. I pushed harder against his chest but he wouldn't budge.

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