Date #2

26 4 0

'It's a memory' was all I could think about. Currently, me, Harry, mother and father were sat on the sofas talking about god knows what. I couldn't keep my concentration.

"Ryder, Ryder, psst" Harry nudged making me look to my left in confusion. I look up at Harry, in question. He tuts looking back at my parents. I take this moment to take in his sharp pristine features. Sharp jaw line, heavenly eyes. He seems to good to be true. Harry caught me staring and smirked before turning back to my parents.

"We gotta go now, it's 8:20, reservations are at 8:30. It's been nice meeting you Mr Rose. See you soon Georgina, sent Lucas my love." He stood up, grabbing my hand. I grab my bag before standing up. I remove my hand from Harry's grip to smooth out my dress. I send a small smile at mother as she wishes for us to have a nice evening and to be safe. Harry shakes hands with father before we exit the living room into the hallway. I grab the door, turning around sending a quick good bye before leaving. I swiftly shut the door.

We were now out of the house and I could finally breath.

"Are you normally that stuck up?" I sniffle. Sending a weird look to Harry.

"I'm not the one who calls my parents 'mother' and 'father'" He sniggers sending a wide smile in my direction. I stick my tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Can you please remind me how old you are? 6?" He teases, walking around his side of the car opening the door. I open my side, jumping into the passenger seat.

"Ha ha" I look over at Harry who is shaking his head lightly, smile present on his face. He starts the car and the radio softly starts to plays through the car. I take a deep breath in, closing my eyes. I soon recognize the song.

"You like Led Zeppelin" My eyes widen, Harry nods his head vigorously.

"Hey hey mamma said the way you move,

gonna make you sweat gonna make you grove"

I sing along to the song bouncing my head. My father plays all the old bands, I end up liking them and I then start to listen to them, 24/7. It happened with Pink Floyd and Iron Maiden. I look over at Harry to see him concentrating on the road while singing. I smile at his innocence.

We had come to a red light and the song had changed to one of my faves. I shrieked, turning my attention to Harry who is already staring weirdly. I point to the radio, clicking my fingers.

"Pearl Jam! Really? Are we like twins or something?" I spoke before thinking fully. I look down at my hands humming the tune. What if we are? EW, no, don't Ryder. Harry places his hand on mine. I jumped, snapping my head in his direction.

"I love Pearl Jam, yes" He smirks, removing his touch, "Ry, you see. I need to talk to you about your past, your ancestors, more importantly, your real parents." He gripped the wheel, staring straight out into the road. I slumped in my seat scanning the side of his face, humming.

"Do you know something Harry?" I ask in question. He lets out a low growl like I heard earlier today, so it wasn't the dog?

"I don't want to talk about it right now, but in the restaurant." He states blankly. I look out the window for what seems like hours before Harry repeatedly whispers my name. I turn around to find a pair of emerald eyes blazing into my all to plain blue eyes. He looks down at my lips and back up to my eyes. I raise my eyebrow in question, Harry lets out a strained cough before moving out of the car.

"We're here" He speaks before closing the door. I unbuckle my seat belt, swiftly opening the door and lightly shutting it behind me. I move to around Harry's side to where he's waiting. He grabs my hand, sending shivers down my spine. I glance up at Harry to see a smile across his glorious face. There was no way of denying he was beautiful. He's a real angel.

We come to a halt. As I look up to find a woman in her mid 40's stood at the door with a clip board and a welcoming smile. She has long brown hair with grey roots.

"Hello and welcome to Marco Polo, how may I be of service." Marco Polo! I look up at Harry in shock. Holy cow this is posh and no doubt expensive. I look back at the old woman with a smile.

"I have a reservation for two under the name 'Styles'" Harry speaks, glancing in my direction as I mouth 'Marco Polo' to him. He only winks returning his attention the the woman whom is now directing us inside the restaurant. The woman stops near the bar, turning around.

"Would you like to be seated inside or outside?" She politely asks, flicking her attention from the two of us. Harry nudges me and I pick inside. She nods, guiding us to a table near a group of people. We sit down thanking the lady.

"Your waiter will be here shortly, enjoy your time here" He clutches the clip board to her chest as she trots back outside. I was sat opposite Harry as I pulled my chair under the table our knees graze. I shoot my gaze up at Harry whom is currently got his head in the menu. I pick up my menu copying his actions.

Less than five minutes wait and our waiter is here. He smile down at both of us.

"Good evening, my name is Toram and i'll be your waiter for the evening, do you know what you'd like to order?" Toram asks brushing his dark brown hair to the side.

I smile up at him nodding once.

"Can I have a white wine and a Sirloin Tagliata for me please" I politely answer directing my state to Harry.

"I'll have a glass of water and Pollo Farcito with chips" Harry nods. I kick his foot and he groans, "please" he sends a forced smile to Toram and and an eye roll my way. Toram lets out a snigger which makes Harry grimace in his direction.

"Sir, the Pollo Farcito comes with chips" Toram smirks at Harry, only making Harry glare sending Toram waddling off tell us our order will arrive shortly.

" gonna spill?" I rest my head in my hands, leaning my elbows on the table. I cross my right leg over my left leg, staring into Harry's eyes raising an eyebrow waiting for Harry to start talking. He slouches in his seat, squinting his eyes at me. He then sat straight in his seat. Taking a look around the restaurant before he speaks.

"Ok, right. So I know this might sound so odd and fake but, you have to believe me. yes?" His big green eyes blaze holes into mine. I nod gulping down my fears.

"I know your real family because we aren't from here." His tone was so sincere I believe there wasn't no lies within his story.

"And?" Wanting him to continue.

"No Ry," he rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands, "We aren't h..." Harry was interrupted by Toram.

"Sorry for the wait. Your meals will arrive shortly." He places down two glasses before walking off. I take a sip of my wine.

"What were you saying?" I smile at Harry.

"Well we aren't normal, we aren't..." he lowers his voice, "human" I spit my wine out, grabbing my napkin wiping my mouth, mumbling a 'sorry' to Harry and people around whom are staring.

"What?" I shout whisper. Taking a look around the room. My eyes land on a white figure standing by the entrance. It has long blonde hair and pale skin. I cannot see the figures face. Harry follows my stare and the white figure screeches off.

"Mazlyn" Harry groans under his breath. I'm so confused. I'm sure I've seen her before. But where?


Hey sugar, hope you like this chapter. please vote and comment. have any question please feel free to ask. Thankyou.

Twitter: @JaisSlushPuppy

Molly x

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