My birthday

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A/N: Please don't steal this story because I have made this myself. Please don't tell me it's like anyone else's because this is my own work. Thank you for reading. Please don't be a ghost reader and not vote. Please don't judge this is my first work.

Molly x


Ryders POV

I woke up in a sweat, my dark locks stuck to my face. It's early afternoon, 1pm, July 27th. It was a hot night last night, my sleeping pattern knows too well of this matter. My sleep has been mussed up due to my late nights sat on twitter and tumblr, well it is the summer holidays.

Lately I've been having mysterious and supernatural pictures erupt my dreams or even nightmares. These pictures vary from werewolves to a figure with no face and only long blonde waves cascading down past her hips.

I jumped out of bed to be stopped by a moulded figure still sat on my bed. It was my cat, Ozzy. I had forgotten that she had fallen asleep next to me last night, as she normally sleeps with my parents. As I looked at her tiny features snuggled away within the muss of sheets, known as my bed, I snuck away to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. It's my birthday.


I jumped into my already warm shower. The warmth relaxing my muscles for the packed day I will be facing today. I don't really celebrate my birthday, my parents insist that we go for a meal every year to celebrate my life. I quickly washed my hair and body, turning off the shower. As I walked out of the shower I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Ryder dear? Is that you?" Asked my mother in a sing song tone.

"Yes mother" i said as I walked out the bathroom greeting my mother with a smile, I was only wearing a towel to keep my sacred jewels covered.

My mother gave me a warm smile whilst wishing me a happy birthday. She left me with a smile on my face as I walked back to my bedroom to change for the day.


I had chosen my usual Pink Floyd band t-shirt with denim dark washed high waisted shorts, for my footwear I'd chosen my all too famous purple Doc Martens. I live in these boots, even in the not-so-hot country know as England.

I applied my usual amount of make up, which was a light covering of foundation and made a wing affect with my black eyeliner. I don't bother with my mascara as usual.

I ran down stairs to be greeted by my father sitting in the 'kings throne' as my brother would called it, with his head lost in his newspaper only looking up to say happy birthday to his sugarplum, I still blush at the nickname which has been stuck with me since forever.

My brother is nine and called Lucas. I've always been close to my brother ever since he was born. He had brown pin straight hair, just like mother. I get my curls from my father. Lucas has light blue eyes, as do I.

As I heard heavy footstep knowing straight away who these belonged to. Lucas.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." Lucas sang happily engulfing me into a warm hug.

"Why thank you my big man" he blushed at my comment.


Thank you for reading and I hope my writing is up to your standards. I do hope I get readers.

Molly x


The start of the day has been really chill and I was just about to take my dog, Lilly out for a walk. She was a Golden Retriever, full of energy. She's only a puppy.

I plugged my headphones into my phone and placed them into my ears. The song that ran through my phone was my favourite song, Pearl Jam, 'Deep'. As I exited my house I took a long route around the near by park. As I was walking I saw a tall, slim figure ahead of my leaning against the ice cream van. I didn't think anything about it and carried on walking through the park.


I arrived home 40 minutes later with a tired looking Lilly. As soon as I let her off of her lead she flopped down on to the sofa and fell asleep.

"You've knackered her out yet again sugarplum, well done." My father praised. I gave my dad a smug smile.

"Can you take me next time?" Cried Lucas with a pout.

"Sure my big man. Just ask and I will." I reassured him with a laugh as I ruffled with his hair. He soon slapped my hand away whilst walking away.


It soon turned 5pm and I had opened my cards and received only a few but delicate gift. These gifts include a Pandora bracket which I'm wearing now and a Easel, which I already love.

I ran upstairs to my room to get changed for my birthday meal out at the little Italian down the road called 'la Tosca' I've always been the one to pick this little restaurant because 1) the food is beautiful and 2) their waiters are really hot.

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