La Tosca

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A/N: please tell me if you don't under stand anything. Please vote.

Molly x


As we arrived at the little restaurant, we got seen to straight away by a young boy around my age with dirty blond hair which looks unnatural. As we were seated the young boy spoke up as he was giving us our menus.

"Hello folks, my names Rob and I will be your waiter for this evening." Rob said in a chirpy tone sending a wink over in my direction causing me to blush. My father noticed this gesture and thanking Rob, which made Rob retreat back into the distance.

"Now," my father started with a low voice, "you can choose anything from the menu. But, it needs to be lower than £20." My father announced making my mother tut.

Minutes passed until Rob, the waiter, returned asking if we were ready to order and what drinks we would like. I spoke up first in a hoarse voice.

"Em- I will have the pepperoni pizza please, oh- and a sprite please" I ordered with a smile. He replied with a warm smile letting me know he got it down. He then turned to my mother who order for herself and Lucas. My father was last to order and with that Rob walked away.

He soon returned with our drinks and a napkin,

"For the pretty lady." He placed the napkin beside me with a smirk. I didn't know why but soon learned that it's had his number on. I felt heat rush through my cheeks as I made eye contact with him. He smirked at my reaction and waddled off.


During my meal I could feel a pair of eyes on me, making me feel uncomfortable. I took a look around the restaurant until my eyes locked with a man around mid twenties. He had dark brown curls and beautiful features. I was soon pulled out of my stare by my mother making a toast.

" e-hem-mm, as most if you won't know this but today is a very special day," I could already feel peoples stares as they wondered what was happening. My mother continued, looking straight into my eyes, " my daughter here, it's her 19th birthday. My baby is all grown up." I could hear the awes fill the restaurant, making me look down to my hands. My mother continues, " my not-so-young Ryder Rose, is now an adult in this world and I'm proud to call her my daughter." She sits down after that and the whole room started to clap. I looked around the room and saw everyone's stares on me.

I was never the popular type. I would normally stay quiet or sneak of to the library for some peace at school. I only had a few friends, but those friends were my best friends and were there through my school life.


It was time to leave. As we were stood up around our table, I made one last peek at the unknown man In the corner and saw he was looking right back at me with a cheeky smirk. I quickly diverted my attention on the wall as I felt heat run through my cheeks.


We returned at 7pm. My dog greeted us by the door. Waggling her bum, this was her way of saying hello. I laughed peacefully at my mad dog as she started to jump up and licks my hands the best she could.

I went through to the kitchen to fish out the dog food for Lilly and the cat food for Ozzy. After feeding my animals I returned to the living room to find the lights out and only a few birthday candles lighting the room.

A roar of voices sprung through the living room. " happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ryder, happy birthday to you..." I let out a slight giggle. My mother turned on the lights as my father cut the Victoria sponge before us.


A/N: hello em, hope you liked that. I do try. Thank you for reading. Please vote.

Molly x

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