Date to remember

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A/N: hey I thought of this whilst reading in the park. Lol hope you like it. Please vote.

Molly x


As Rob and I exited my house, we walked down the path till we reach, what I think is Robs car. It's a blue Peugeot 307. Rob opened the passenger door for me, I mumbled a thank you. He was already round his side and seated before I had my seat belt on.

He started up the car and off we went. I hadn't a clue where we were going, Rob told me it was a surprise and he would tell me on the way there. I thought it was the right time to ask.

"So..." I took a long pause before continuing, "where we of to?" I asked pouting whilst fiddling with the radio, trying to find a suitable channel. He chuckled before he spoke.

"We're going to a little restaurant down town, then go to a club where we will meet a few of my friends" he spoke with a grin whilst taking a glance over before looking back at the road.

"I've never been to a club before. I've also never been on a date." I told him looking down at my shaken hands. A wash of embarrassment flooded through my body. I took a glance at Rob. He had a slight frown on his face making be a bit nervous.

We came to a stop as the lights turned red. He looked over at me, his features soon softening as he spoke.

"So... I'm your first date?" He asked in disbelief. Well it is true, I've never had a really boyfriend, only the relationships in primary school that last only a week. I gave him a simple node before he diverted his attention back on the road as the lights turned amber, then green.


The rest of the ride was silent. We arrived at the restaurant moments later. parking his car in a near by parking space. He cut the engine, jumped out the car and around by my side. He opened the door for the second time tonight. I thanked him as I shut the car door lightly. He locked his car and moved towards the little restaurant he grabbed my hand in the process. This little action made my heart flutter, I looked up at Rob and he gave me a quick wink.

We were now stood outside if the little restaurant, I could hear classical music, softly playing in the background. A man around mid 30's greeted us by the entrance holding a clip board.

"Good evening sir, madam, my name is John, how may I help you?" He smiled.

" I have a reservation for two" Rob told John. John then asked for the name it's reserved for.

"Pearl, Rob Pearl" he answered squeezing my hand lightly as John guided us inside the restaurant. We were placed near the back of the restaurant, as we sat down John spoke up again whilst handing us a menu each.

"Your waiter will arrive shortly, enjoy your meal" and with that he stalked back to where he came from.

I pick up my menu straight away. I looked through the menu to find the restaurant is Indian?

"Indian?" I asked Rob still looking at my menu. When I looked up I saw he was staring at me nervously.

"You- you do like Indian food? right?" He looked at me scared to what I might say. I might mess him up just a little.

"I hate Indian food" I lied, pulling my best disgusted face. Rob gulped.

"I-I..." he was lost for words. I couldn't lie anymore. I let out a long, hard laugh.

"I'm only kidding ya. I love Indian food." I giggled. He let out a heavy breath.

"Don't play games with me Ryder." he roared, gritting his teeth. well, I didn't expect that.

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