Our world

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"Mazlyn" Harry groans under his breath. I'm so confused. I'm sure I've seen her before. But where? I frown looking over at Harry.

"Mazlyn?" I repeat the strangers name. Harry looks up, no emotion visible on his features. I lean back in my seat as I look back at the entrance where the figure was standing.

"She's from our world." He starts but I cut him off.

"Wew wew wew wew wew wew wew...." I wave my hands, "Our world?" I snigger, "Is this some kind of sick joke Harry?" I stand up screeching my chair along the floor, "I knew I shouldn't have come, I'm leaving." I storm off outside resting my head against the cold brick walls of the restaurant.

"Shoot!" I snap, looking back into the restaurant. I left my bag on my seat. I shut my eyes pinching the bridge of my nose. I take in a deep breath, storming back into the restaurant to where we were sat. Harry has his head in his hands as I try to grab my back as quickly as I can but the strap is somehow attached to the chair.

"Bloody chair" I mumble under my breath, rattling my bag setting it loose from the chair. I was about to storm off when Harry grabbed my wrist.

"Please stay Ry" His face was full of guilt and sorrow. I looked down at him emotionless. Show no mercy. Show no mercy. I huff sitting back down, staring out into the restaurant. Harry slides his hand down from my wrist, soothing my hand.

"Ry, I know it might be hard to take in-" I cut Harry off before he could continue.

"Show me" I speak emotionless. He becomes wide eyed. He opens his mouth to speak but closes it soon after.

"Show me" I demand.


Hey sugar, hope you like it. I know it's short but hey idk. Please vote and comment. Thanks for reading.

Twitter: @JaisSlushPuppy

Insta: @JaisSlushPuppy

Characters are:

Harry - himself

Ryder - Zoey Deschanel

Storm - Jai Brooks

Ask to find out any more.

Molly x

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