girls night

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Once Storm dropped me off I ran through the house to my bedroom. Sitting down on my bed I pulled my phone out and dialed my friend Vinus, she answered on the second ring.

"Hey Ryder, what up?" she chirped through the phone. I smiled though she can't see me.

"Hey Vi Vi, I was wondering if you and June would like to have a girly day then stay round mine?" I beamed back at her. She squealed before answering, me already knowing the answer.

"YES" she shouted, "I will be round in 15?" I smiled once again.

"Brill, I'll let June know. Bye Vi Vi" she hummed in response before shutting off the call.

After ringing June and telling her the details of our plans she told me she'd also be here in 15. In this extra time I thought I might tidy my room before my friends arrived. I moved my clothes off of my floor and hung them up in my wardrobe. I'm quite bad when it comes to my clothes. They end up either on the floor or on my chair. I put my make-up bag away in the draw and put away my hair products etc. I changed from my work clothes into my black skinny jeans and my Pearl Jam band shirt.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I walked out of my bedroom to be greeted by my two best friend. They both squealed as they saw me in the doorway. I opened my arms for them to hug me openly.

"Hey guys, i've missed you so much" I beam ending the hug. We walk into my bedroom, sitting down on my bed.

"Missed you too Ryder." June spoke soon did Vinus.

"So...what we gonna do today?" June asked smiling widely. I looked to Vinus humming.

"Maybe we should go pick up some snacks and food and have a movie night?" Vinus suggests. My smile widens as i shout an excited "YES" whilst clapping my hands.

"What movies-" June was stopped mid sentence when my phone rang. I reached for my phone and saw the caller was an unknown number. I frowned cutting the call placing my phone down back on the bed before asking June to continue.

"What movies should we watch. Oh my god oh my god. Can we watch White Chicks? I love that film. Oh my god can we have a comedy night?" June spoke finally taking a breath. June was always the excited one, always the fun one, maybe a bit full on at times but we loved her.

"Sure" I let out a small laugh before continuing, "Let go order some food and pop down the shops for some snacks." And with that we jumped off of the bed and down the stairs. I asked my mother if she could order us a pizza which she agreed too and now we're on our way downtown to the best snack shop around.

"So anything happened lately?" Vinus questioned skipping down the path. You wouldn't think she was coming up 19 in a months time. June spoke up first.

"Well..." she smiled down at the floor. "I have a boyfriend." she chirped smiling up at us. Both me and Vinus congratulated her.

"Whats the luckily fellas name?" I smiled at her, wanting to know more.

"He's called Zayn" My heart dropped. I stopped dead in my tracks. Both Vinus and June carried on walking until they noticed I wasn't there. I looked straight forward, looking at nothing in particular. In a mater of seconds both girls were at my side, worried.

"Whats the matter Ryder?" Vinus questioned, searching my face for any signs of problem.

"Oh- oh nothing, just cramp" I brushed it of, putting on a front while acting as if I was suffering from cramps. Both girls fell for it, their face dropping from concern to sympathy.

"Do you need a pill? A drink? I have a bottle of water in my bag somewhere" June spoke, searching through her bag frantically. I stopped her and told her I will be fine and we carried on walking. June carried on talking about how Zayn took her out to all these fancy places and how romantic he is.

"How long have you been seeing him?" I smiled at how happy she was, if only she knew what he tried to do- I thought.

"About a two weeks now" She smiled peacefully. We had finally reached the store and as I opened the door to see Storm stood in the doorway.

"Hey Rosie" He smirked down at me, I roll my eyes in response. Then scanned my friends as if they were pieces of meat. I pushed past him mumbling a 'hi' as I search for some snacks. I looked behind me to see Storm right on my tracks. I stop turning round to be met with a hard chest knocking me to the ground I groan sitting up straight. Vinus and June come running passed Storm to see whats up. They both are shocked to see me on the floor.

"What did you do to her?" Vinus shouts kneeling down next to me. I brushed it off with a 'I wasn't look at where I was going' as I picked myself up brushing my bottom and legs.

"Sorry Rosie...See you at work" Storm winked walking off without looking back.

"What the heck?" June spoke, "Who is he and when did you get a job?" We carried on searching for snacks as I told them the whole situation about work and Storm. They were stunned, Vinus also added that Storm was a cutie and that I was indeed single. I rolled my eyes at her statement. I had picked up some crisps and sweets on the way around the store.

"I ain't ready for a relationship...just friends." I smile walking to the counter, handing the items to the man.

" we need drinks?" I turn to the girls in question.

"Yeah about...Cherry Coke?" June asked looking through the fridge.

"Ew no..." Vinus scrunched up her nose in disgust, making her way over to the fridge. " about Dr Pepper?" She asked turning to look at me. I nodded my head.

*Back home*

We're now half way through the film White Chicks, we're in hysterics. We had finished the pizza and are now starting on the snacks. This film has to be one of the funniest films i've ever watched. Us girls were all snuggled up on the fort on the floor. We had made it out of pillows and blankets.

I kept feeling a small vibration in my back pocket every now and then through out the night. I went to answer my phone but the call cut before I could answer it. I frown taking a look at the caller, unknown. That's odd? I also have three messages.

To: Ryder

Sorry for knocking you over today, i'm sure I can make it up to you somehow. Maybe a date sometime? :)

Storm x

I smiled down at my phone bitting my lip. I looked to my left to see both Vinus and June fast asleep. I laugh peacefully at their current state. I return my attention back to my phone. I reply with a simple 'See you at work'. I looked at my other messages, one from Rob and one from an unknown number.

To: Ryder

Hey Ryder, Daisy and I were wondering if you'd like to head out one night? Text me back your answer and I will tell you the details

Rob x

I could do with a night out...I text Rob back asking what it was we would be doing and if it was okay for me to bring some people, i.e. Vinus and June. I don't want to go out when I don't really know the people I'm with properly. I then opened the other messages.

To: Ryder

Don't ignore me, we need to talk.

I replied with a simple 'who are you and what do you want?' shutting off my phone and preparing myself for sleep until my phone rang through my room. I took my phone in my hand, the caller ID read 'Unknown' I took a deep breath answering the call.

"Hello?" I spoke weakly.

"Hey Ryder" a husky voice rang through my ears. I knew that voice. My eyes widened when my mind fit the name and the voice together.

"Harry?" I spoke nervously.


Thankyou for reading, I do appreciate it. Please vote.

Twitter: @JaisSlushPuppy

Molly x

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