Angels and Demons 2

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"Do you still want to visit the Highland?" Harry asked.

"I'd love to but, what would I tell my parents?" I reply with a yawn.

"Well I'll think about that closer to the time because if we do go, I'll need to get you all trained up and prepared so you can defend yourself." I look up to the ceiling before I remembered something which makes me sit up.

"June!" I shout making Harry sit up next to me. He looks bewildered.

"June? as in the month because no, it's nearly August." Harry reply's making me snort rolling my eyes. Harry looks so confused its weird.

"No you plonker, June as in my best friend. She told me before that she had a new boyfriend with the name Zayn. She told me she was basically head over heels for the lad. This can be another Zayn, right?" I whimper with the thought of him hurting my friend in anyway, mentally or physically. 

"I don't know. But I know what we can do, you talk to her, ask if she has any plans with this Zayn guy. When you find out the date and time, we can crash it without them knowing, yes?" He smirked at his marvelous plan. I squint my eyes humming.

"Maybe, maybe" I smirk back at him. I place my hand in his cheek, dragging my fingertips across his cheek. 

"Such soft skin" I blurt out with out thinking. I slowly move my eyes up to Harry's as he says the words,

"Be mine" He rushed out making me blink rapidly. I remove my touch.

"Ha-" Harry shushes me with a sad expression.

"You don't need to answer" he closes his eyes before continuing, "Lets continue talking, yes?" His smile seems fake but I return it with a nod.

"I shouldn't ask that of my princess" He bows his head and I snort.

"Don't, I may be your princess in the Highland, but we are on Earth, England and I ain't a princess here, yes?" I sternly reply. Harry nods.

"Me, I'm Ryder Rose, the English Rose" I wink, earning a string of laughs from Harry. 

"Right, anyways, back to what we were talking about. So if we're planing to go back, then we will have to got some training classes. I know someone who can help us there. We'll need to travel to North Scotland, there we can use your necklace" He grabs the jewel around my neck then dropping it, allowing it to fall down the valley of my breasts. He then continues, "It will teleport us to the Highland." He speaks.

"Where did I get this necklace?" I question him, fiddling with the necklace.

"Your mother placed it around your neck before you left for Earth, it seems that Mrs Rose kept it safe ever since." He smiles.

"All angels have a certain accessory which allows them to teleport but, you have to earn it. I earned mine by forwarding myself to help find you." He leans forward his hand showing the ring on his middle finger and I blush.

"That's how I'm here now" He smiles, resting his hand back down onto his lap. He rests his head against the headboard, he turns to me.

"Any questions my dearest?" He smirks.

"How will we get to Scotland?" I question, rubbing my eyes.

"With one of my powers. I can run without anyone seeing, without me feeling tired and I can't be touched when I'm running unless it an arrow to the heart." I gulp.

"Is that how that car didn't knock us over?" I ask. 

"Indeed it is Ry, another power of mine is that  I will never be cold, I'm like a radiator." He smirks, moving closer to me, he wraps his arm around my waist and I instantly heat up, I smile up at him.

"That's so cool." Harry moves back to his original space on the bed and his face turns sour.

"What's the matter?" I ask confused. His eyes scan the room and I'm confused. 

"Somethings here." He growls, "You sensed it, I smelt it." He stands up off of the bed walking around the room, growling. Holy fuck he's hot, walking around my room in only his briefs while growling. I never thought I'd see the day a boy came into my room nor only in his pants. It must be an Angel thing.

"Is there anything I can do?" I mutter scanning the room.

"Yes, close your eyes until I tell you to open them again, yes?" He sternly demands and I nod shutting my eyes. I hear Harry take in a deep breath, "It followed us here." Harry hums what sounds to a nursery rhyme and I hear a shrilling sound to my left.

"A ha! There you are you little bastard." Harry shouts and I shush him, 

"Lucas might hear you!" I warn him earning a quiet mumble which sounded something like 'em yeah sorry' and I stay quiet, until Harry orders me to open my eyes again and what I see horrifies me. I'm guessing it was a Demon, Harry pulls out many weapons from under the bed and my eyes widen.

"Where'd it go and where on Earth did you get those?" I raise my voice a little as I view the weapons upon my floor.

"When a Demon dies, they turn to dust and these," he points toward the weapons, "is what that Demon brought with him." He picks up what looks to be a machete, he turns it from side to side,

"A devils toy this is." He swings it within his grip showing me his skills before placing it back down on the floor with the others.

"Where do you keep your sheets?" Harry asks me and I stare at his with confusion, pointing towards my wardrobe, 

"Open the third door and there should be a few sheets on the third shelf." I direct him to the correct place and he finds them, pulling a few sheets out and placing them on the ground, he pick up the weapons and one by one places the on the sheet. He then ties a knot in the sheet and places the bulging sheet under my bed. When he bend over to pick the remaining sheets, I have the urge to slap his tight bottom but I stop myself by closing my eyes.

"Are you tired?" He asks but doesn't allow me to answer, "You must sleep." He urges, "More talk tomorrow, goodnight angel." He cooed and I slide down the bed placing my head on the pillow, closing my eyes. A little time later I feel the bed dip and a warm presence. Harry places his arm around me and that's when I fully drift off to sleep.

"Princess Ryder." I hear faintly but don't recognize the voice.

"My baby, is that you?" The voice cooed


Hey........hope you enjoyed it. Please vote. Thank you for reading. 

Molly x

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