7: Bowls and Bumps

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Taylor's POV
Each day is extremely long for me. I'm waiting and waiting. I also took note that Finley is currently my brother, which is odd to think about. Technically he is my son but currently legally he is my foster brother. Extremely strange.
I woke up to him crying again. Like every other day, sleeping isn't something he enjoys, I enjoy sleeping, why can't babies?

"Hey baby, don't cry, ok, shhh," I say as he quiets himself. I lift him out of the crib and check his diaper. It's dirty, and a not number 1.

"Ewww," I say trying not to breath and holding him away from me. I mean what am I suppose to do, take in this awful smell.

After he has a clean diaper on, I walk is out to the kitchen. I set him on the floor in between the island and kitchen sink side of the kitchen.

"Ok, I'm gonna get you a bottle and me some cereal," I say. I warm up some formula, test it on my wrist, than pick him and feed him. He happily drinks it all in a few minutes. I grab a rag and drape it over my shoulder, so I can burp him.
After that, I set him down on the kitchen floor, and start myself some breakfast. I pour the milk and Cheerios in a bowl and sit at the bar to eat them.

I look down him and he's gone. I get up and walk around the island to see him still crawling away.
"Finley," I say, he turns his head looking back at me.

"Yeah, buddy come back," I say setting my bowl in the sink. He turns back around and makes a run for it. I follow him, and when I'm standing right over him, I pick him up.

"Gotcha ya," I say. He looks so happy. I bring him to the kitchen again. Looking at the clock I realize its almost time to go. I set him in the bouncer with the toys surround it. He happily bounces and plays.

I run and jump in the shower. When I get out, I throw on a black shirt, white infinity, and jeans. I put on tall socks and black calf high boots. Light makeup and braid back my hair in a full French braid.

I run out of the steamy bathroom and get Finley. I change him in a green onesie that has no feet in it. I clip a new binkie to his shirt, put him down again.

I hurry and get everything in the car. Then drop Fin off with my mom and then to my day of meetings with my record label.
Andrea's POV
"Hey, honey" Scott says when I pick up the phone.

"Hey, how's work?" I say watching Finley play with moving ball toy.

"Good, what are you doing?" He says.

"Watching Fin play with this rubber ball, it's really amusing," I say sarcastically.

"I bet so," Scott answers with a little laugh.

"Ok, well I'm gonna make lasagna for dinner, sound good?" I say.

"Yeah, perfect," Scott says.

"Oh no," I say with a concerned tone.

"What? What happened?" He answers quickly.

"Finley knocked over the bowl of cheerios and then the bowl hit him in the head. Now he's crying," I say.

"Oh, I hope he's ok, I'll talk to you soon, lunch just ended," he says.

"Ok, love you bye," I say.

"Love you bye," he says and hangs up.

I hurry over to a crying Finley, who's now laying on his back. I scoop him up trying not to crush the cheerios in to the carpet. "Shh, shh, shh it's ok," I say repeatedly kissing his sore head. There was a little bump but not that bad. I hope Taylor doesn't get mad.

Taylor's POV
I picked up Finley. Mom said he had a bump on his head and it should be gone in a few days. I was fine, she though I would be mad. I'm not. Once I got home I ate dinner, put Fin to bed, watched tv and went to be myself.
Thanks for reading!!
Guess who is the baby in the pictures? Name? Age?

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