11: Bands and Babies

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Taylor's POV
I'm currently running around the house getting ready for rehearsal. It's gonna be a longer day than yesterday. We are working from 9:00 to 6:00. Then going out to dinner. I have my purse and the car seat by the door. And I can't find the diaper bag or my shoes it Fin's blanket. So I'm in trouble, I have to leave in 10 minutes to be there on time.

"Ok so I'll get Fin in the car seat, then I need to get my shoes which I think I know where they are, and I can get another bag and fill it with the other stuff. As for Fin's blanket, I'll find when u get home," I say making a list out loud.

I get Fin from the blanket in the family room, where I normally leave him. I quickly strap him in the car seat, stuck a binkie in his mouth and then leave him by the door. I run to my room and throw on a different pair of boots than I originally planned. Next I get an old school backpack and run down the hall to Fin's room. I stash, extra clothes, diapers, baby wipes, a few toys, and on the way out I grab the purple blanket from my bed.I put on my white winter coat. Then I sling my purse over my right shoulder and backpack on my left. Keys in my left hand, blanket in my right. I walk out, just to walk back in and get Finley. I can't believe I almost left him. This time I lock the door and hurry down the hall now that I have everything.

I run down to the car, hurrying to get going. Fin'a crying cause I was swinging the car seat when I was running. I usually pick up Caitlin and Liz but today I asked Amos. I told him I had a special guest to get, he agreed happily to get the girls.

Driving down the road, there's a ton of traffic. I already added traffic time in to the total time I needed to leave, so we're fine.

I turned up the country radio, as Fin's cries turned to whimpers. I'm pretty sure the binkie fell out of his mouth, but it's also clipped to his clothes.We pull in to the parking lot in front of a heated warehouse. Everyone is here, I can tell by the amount of cars parked outside.

I walk in and head to the stage. Caitlin and Liz immediately come running up to me. "Taylor!" Caitlin yells.

"Caitlin!" I yell mimicking her.

"Hey, I'm here too," Liz says when they meet me.

"Hi Liz," I say.

"Hey Taylor," Liz replies.

"So?" I say.

"So?" They say in sync.

"Ok, let's cut the chase, where's the boys?" I ask.

"Um I'm not sure, but we are needed on stage in 5 minutes, you got here just in time," Caitlin says, sounds a little recited.

"Ok here take Fin, I'm gonna go leave my stuff in the back room," I say handing them the car seat.

"Ok, bye Taylor," Liz says walking away with Caitlin. I walk down the hall to the back room, and leave my stuff on the couch. I walk out and get my ear pieces from the sound guys. Then I go to the stage and wait for the others to show up.
I wait and wait. Then the lights go out and then the power. A spotlight comes on, then I feel arms touch my shoulders. I jump shrieking and jumping. Then the lights turn on and the power comes back. I turn to see that it's Grant, Amos and Paul laughing their heads off.

"Guys, why would you do that, it's scared me so bad," I say in a whiny voice.

"But....it....was....so...funny," Amos says in between laughing.

"Guys, don't do that please," I say in a baby voice and pout my lip.

"Aww Taylor, don't cry we're sorry," Grant starts.

"But it was way to easy," Paul says before taking off with the boys at his heels.

"Oh I'll get you back eventually," I yell after them.

"Yeah, not," Grant says looking back.

"I'll will, don't worry you won't know when or how, but it'll happen," I yell before they disappear. Caitlin and Liz come out from the sound booth. I didn't even know they were their. Liz has Fin and Caitlin had the car seat. They are both laughing.

"It's not funny guys, it really scared me," I say trying to get them to stop. I meet them halfway between the sound booth and the stage. I take Fin out of Liz's arms as they are still laughing.

"Hey, guys it's not that funny," I say.

"Yeah it is, because it was recorded. And your face was priceless," Caitlin says after she's stopped.

"Oh no, really, where is it," I ask.

"Well ok our phones and the bands group chat. Plus the Dancers group chat," Liz says grinning.

"Oh god," I say worrying.

"Yup," Liz says proud of what they accomplished.

"I'm surprise you didn't catch on. You are the one who organizes this, so you tell us what time to be on stage, we have 10 minutes. You always get here 15 minutes before rehearsal time," Caitlin says.

"Oh yeah, you know what, let's just get going, now where did the boys go?" I say admitting I should have noticed.

"We are right here," I hear a voice, I know as Paul's behind me. I turn around and give them each a death glare before talking.

"This is Fin short for Finley," I say.

"Aww he's so cute," Grant says stepping closer.

"Yeah, where did you get him, cause I know that you've had him but I have never even seen him before," Paul says.

"Long story short, I was fostering him for like 13 days because the foster family left him in the park, and went to Hawaii, then the foster parents died in Hawaii, so I asked to adopt him and they said I had to wait till I was 21, now I'm 21 and he's my son," I say.

"Oh," Paul says.

"Can I hold him?" Amos says wide eyed.

"Yeah, don't drop him or scare him," I say putting emphasis on the word scare. Amos grins and taking him from me.

"Yeah, I meant it," I say.

"Ok, Tay," he says.

"Thanks," I say and walk away. I take the car seat and set it off to the side of the stage.

About 5 minutes later we start rehearsals. Fin just sits with the sound guys and I go over when we take breaks. But we don't take them very frequently because I want as much rehearsal time as we have or can get.
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