16: Easter

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Taylor's POV
It's April 24 and we are all off. So we're at my mom's house today. The band is at least. Austin's here, Grant, Liz, Caitlin, and Amos because the others have families or other plans.

We are having a small party of brunch and Easter egg hunting which is my favorite but I can't seem to find many.
And also the Easter bunny came and Fin got some plastic/rubber inflated balls, new clothes and candy but he can barely eat it. So I think if I cut it up small enough he can or I can melt it a bit and do something with it.

"Hello?" I hear from the front door.

"Hi!" I call back from my room.

"The party has just arrived," Amos calls.

"That's nice but I was already here," I say walking out of my room with Fin.

"So, the party is here," Grant says.

"Did you all drive here together?" I ask.

"Yeah, I drove," Amos says.

"Oh, ok, well let's go eat," I say walking to the kitchen.

"Mama Swift!" Liz calls out.

"Yeah, honey," she says.

"Taylor says we can eat, can we?" Liz calls back.

"Yeah, but wait for Austin and Scott," My mom says.

"Ok!" Liz says.

"Alright split up and get them to come to the kitchen, all three," Caitlin orders.

"Ok," I say as they all disperse and leave. I get a piece of ham at eat it while I wait. My mom, dad and brother come in the kitchen, the others seem to forget or are lost.

"We are eating!" I yell and they all come racing in to the kitchen.

"Yes!" Liz says.

"Finally," Caitlin says.

"Halajuheah," Amos says grabbing a plate. I get a of mash potatoes leftover from some dinner. I hear that up and set Fin in the highchair. Then I set the plastic bowl in front of him and strap a bib to him. I just let him use his hands to eat.
I get myself a plate and sit down to eat next to Fin and Liz.

"So Taylor, how's Fin doing?" Caitlin asks in the accent that her alter ego has.

"Good," I say.

"That's nice, how's his head," Liz asks.

"A lot better, that's one reason to love Nashville they don't have paparazzi," I say eating some hash browns.

"What happened to his head?" Austin asks.

"It got hit with a camera when we were trying to go out for lunch in Europe," Amos says.

"What?" Austin says dropping his fork.

"Yeah there was the girls and one security guard, they had to back inside the hotel and get the car seat to drive to the hospital," Grant says.

"Poor Fin," he says.

"Yeah," Dad agrees.
"Ready set go," Dad yells as we all take off Easter egg hunting.

We all spread out all over the yard. Running to get every piece of candy and egg. We finish and head back to the patio.

"Ok who had the golden egg," dad asks. The Golden egg has ten dollars, giant piece of chocolate and the most candy.

"Anyone?" Mom asks.

"Wait no one has it," I say standing up from the blanket we were settled on.

"Nope," Austin says standing up and running off looking for it.

"Not so fast," I take off after him and the others follow. Eventually we all give up, and come back to the patio.

"So?" Dad asks.

"Nothing," Austin says out of breath. Fin comes crawling over to me and I lift him on my lap. And there it is, the golden egg.

"Found it," I say laughing. They all look at me and start laughing.

"Fin where did you get this," I say tickling him a bit.

"He must of got it when you set him down before we started," Dad answers.

"Yeah," I say agreeing. Fin holds it up in my face almost hitting me.

"Thanks," I say taking it from him and opening it.

"So Fin's the special one who gained $10 to his college fund," Austin says.

"Yup," I say, opening a piece of candy.

"Whoa whoa whoa that's Fin's," Grant says taking the piece of chocolate.

"Hey, he's my son," I say reaching for it.

"But he'll give the candy to who he wants," Grant says, "let's sit in a circle, here Fin you stay in the middle, if he comes to you then you get one piece of candy."

"Alright," I say moving in to the circle. We all sit in a straddles or as far as we can reach with trying to get him to come to us. Fin goes to my mom, me, dad, Austin, Liz, Caitlin, Me, Amos, and then me.

"See he loves me," I say picking him up with me.

"Haha, everyone but Grant got a piece," Caitlin brags. Grant pouts and gives me a pouty sad face, so I throw a piece of candy in the yard, he runs after it like a dog. We all stand there laughing at him trying to find it.
"Bye see you May 8th," I say as the band leaves. It's Fin's birthday so I'm having a party.

"Ok bye mom," I say walking out the door putting my things in the car. I walk back in and hug my dad, Mom, and brother.

"Bye guys, happy Easter," I say before leaving.
"We were both young when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts:
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air.
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.
See you make your way through the crowd
And say, "Hello, "
Little did I know...
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles,
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, "Please don't go"
And I said...
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess,
It's a love story, baby, just say, Yes," I sing Fin to sleep before laying him down in the crib and kissing him goodnight.
"Happy Easter, Fin," I say before walking out and closing the door.
Thanks for everything guys!!!!
Who is really good at finding stuff? Who is usually loses stuff?
I can find stuff but my brother is way better. I admit it I do lose lots of stuff but not a lot of the time.

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