10: Caitlin and Liz

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Taylor's POV
Today's the first day of tour rehearsal!!!!! We've been planing and everything it's so exciting. I would be screaming if Finley wasn't sleeping right now. I have to be there at 10, so I'm dropping Finley with my mom today. He'll come tomorrow and meet the band. For now we need to start and set up everything. The first rehearsal would be stressful as it is, but with Fin would be more stressful. So I'm waiting till we are all comfortable, or tomorrow. Doesn't matter. I'm laying on the couch eating food. I made myself an omelet, the TV is on but I'm not really paying attention.

After a while I hear Fin crying. I get up from my warm comfy spot on the couch and open the door to his green colored room. I walk to the crib which is at the back wall. He's getting way better at sleeping the whole night.

"Hey, buddy, Mommy's here don't cry, shhh," I say as his cries die out. I lift him out of the black crib. Cradling him I walk to the closet and pick out a navy blue sweat suit onesie and a white under onesie. I lay him on the changing table, undress him, change him, and dress him again.

"There we go buddy," I say picking him back up, and facing him forward as I hold him with one hand and the other pulls the tray off the high chair. I set him down in the chair and hook a bib around his neck big though to cover his chest and some of his stomach. I feed him some terrible baby food. Well to me it's bad to him it's breakfast. I think it's mashed pears, apples, and maybe bananas. Once the jar is empty, I throw the bib on the laundry and the jar in the trash. I take a wet rag and wipe off his messy face. It's smeared of what ever was in that food.

I check through the diaper bag as he crawls through the house. I find him in his room curled up in to this big panda bear, I bought who knows when. I left it on the floor of his room when I was decorating it. I quickly took out my phone and took a couple of pictures. It's so adorable. I slide my phone in my back pocket. I then walk over and gently pick him up trying not to wake him. He curls more in the crook of my neck as I walk out to where I left the car seat. I carefully set him in and strap him in.

I have to pick up Caitlin and Liz which is on the way to my parents. I start with Liz who lives like 5 minutes from me.

"I'm here," I send her a quick text when I pull in to the drive way. She comes out in a black winter coat, hat, scarf, and combat boots. She swings the door open, and shouts "Hey, Taylor!"

"Liz, shh," I say and look back at the car seat which stupidly faces the backward.

"Oh is that little Finley who I hear so much about," she says buckling.

"Yup," I say happily.

"So tell me again why you couldn't adopt him the first time," she says.

"Well, I wasn't old enough. I had to be 21, o was twenty turning 21 well a week or so ago. You know. Either way he is now mine," I say.

"Oh, so he was your foster brother and now he is your son, that's not weird," Liz says.

"Yeah let's not focus on that. I have to drop him off at my mom's before rehearsal," I say.

"Oh he isn't coming and meeting Amos or Grant or Paul or the others," Liz says.

"No they can tomorrow, I don't remember if I told them," I say trying to think.

"You did, cause Amos called me after and told me about how loud you were talking and screaming," Liz said. Oh yeah that did happen. I was really hyper up, sugar high.

"Oh," was all I said. We pulled in front of Caitlin's house and she came out in warm winter clothes.
She swung open the door on Fin's side of the car.

"Oh I don't know I was being replaced," she said jokingly before shutting the door and going around. Sticking her tongue out as she pasted my window.

"So is that Finley," she said.

"Yup," Liz and I said at the same time.

"Cool," she said. And that was it. We quietly talked about everything.

We stopped at my moms and dropped off Fin also the girls said hello to her before we left for a full day. We worked on the first song only today. We did it until we nailed it. Then practiced some more. We have an hour lunch break and finished at 5. So it was a 7 hour day minus lunch.

I picked up Fin, dropped off Caitlin and then Liz. When I got home, I ate, out Fin to bed and watched two episodes of Law and Order. After the long day I went to sleep, in short shorts and a big t-shirt.
Happy Birthday to Taylor Alison Swift!!!! She's 26.
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CQ: Who saw a concert on her Speak Now World tour?

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