21: Gotcha Day

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Taylor's POV

One year ago! One year I've been with Fin. This is so awesome. I met him August 3rd. They day completely changes my life. It's amazing thinking about how one year ago I wasn't caring for a child now here I am a mother of an walking 15 month old son. It's just amazing. We are celebrating with dinner tonight.

"Fin, Fin," I say getting his attention. He looks at me.

"Let's go get catering," I say walking off the bus. He stumbles after me and stops at the stairs. He turns around and crawls down them. I laugh as he walks or crawls  down the 3 steps. I walk over and pick him up.

"Are you hungry?" I say setting him down on the floor of the "dining room" it's not really one but I like to call it that.
He pushes himself up off the ground and follows me around slowly.

I get him a plate with fruit, milk, and French toast. I get a plate with the same but with coffee. I pull him on to my lap as I cut the French toast for him. He happily chews on small pieces of dry french toast.

After breakfast, I meet the band hanging out in the buses. We decide to go walk around Washington for a while. We pack a lunch and head out. I stuffed sandwiches and other stuff in my bag for Fin. I don't have anyone to watch him, so we're taking the stroller and baby strap thingy, I don't know what's it called.

We walk from the stadium to the Lincoln memorial. We all stare in awe and get a few pictures of us messing around. We tried to get one to look like Fin was sitting in his lap but we couldn't get the right angle.

We were super close though. We walked around through the park. Then stopped and ate lunch. We packed sandwiches with peanut butter and jelly. Plus chips and Izzes. I gave Fin a bite of the sandwich and I think that was a bad idea. He didn't swallow. He tried to cry but kept hyperventilating.

"Guys, guys, call an ambulance," I say jumping to my feet, everyone pulls out their phone. Liz grabs the wipes and we wipe his hands off in case that triggers a bigger reaction. The boys deal with throwing out the other sandwiches.

I clean my hands along with the girls. We hurry and get everything washed off. The ambulance shows up and quickly removes the sandwich piece. Turns out he is allergic to peanut butter, and we went to the hospital to get tested for other allergies. I literally went in to panic mode, freaking out inside and trying to do everything on the outside.

Fin is allergic to all nuts deathly, bees: can't get stung, penicillin and all types of that med, also he has a small case of asthma, and that's it. When I get back home, I should get an inhaler and epi-pen which is the thing you jab in your thigh if you ever have an allergic reaction.
Yippee. Not really. That was traumatic, well, not really.

We went back to the stadium in a car. Fin was still heavily sedated but he'll wake up before the concert.

I let him sleep in the dressing room with some music. It's a small playlist of quiet songs, like Open season by high highs and Take what I can get by Mattew Mayfield and stuff like that.

After sound check which went great we all headed back to the dressing rooms. The girls and I played on the karaoke machine we found back here. The boys joined in every so often. But it was mainly us. And let's just say I kicked butt. Liz took second and Caitlin came in last because she keep talking to the boys about some boyfriend and what she should do about it. When she asked me I had no idea what to do.

Fin did wake up and the boys played with him. He walked around, chewed on plastic blocks and plastic balls. Back to normal.

He stayed around the blanket I laid out and set a few toys on.

After the show we went for a late night dinner. It was an amazing dinner. Fin ordered chicken nuggets, I had nachos with everyone else. We ordered 3 plates to share with various toppings. Fin also didn't have an allergic reaction.

We got back to the buses that night and loaded up. We leave early the next day.

I sang Fin the song Love story. After putting him to bed, I sat on my bunk across from him. The girls were watching to or something. When I looked down at him, I could remember every scream, cry, smile, laugh, first, and every moment I spent with him. The little dimples on his smile. The desperate look at me when he needs me. The look on his face when he cries. His grin of mischief. Every moment is worth every cry and every smile.

I love being his mother. I can't believe a year ago I met him. If I hadn't stopped in that park that day a year ago would we be in the same position we are in today. I wonder that but stop myself from going to far.

I walk back to the TV room and watch the girls play Wii resort before trudging back to bed and falling in to a peaceful sleep until about 2:30 where I get an idea for a song. It's not the same subject as I was thinking but it relates to a past friend I once had, I remember All Too Well.

For those of you confused Gotcha days are usually not related to these situations: foster care-> adoption.

Special days? Like a date that you hold dear? And WHY?

Try to guess the letters: they are pretty obvious?

August 13- TAL

May 8- FMS

November 20- EJL & RAL

November 22- my gotcha day (yes I am adopted)
There are a lot more dates but here are a few.

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