1: Left Again

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August 3, 2010

Taylor's POV

I carefully walk around Central Park listening to the noises of happy families and old people. The kids shout playing a game of groundies while the littles carefully toddle up and down the stairs and slides. The multiple dogs continue to follow their owners mindlessly sniffling the many trees lining the walkway. The old people laughing at each other as they tell each other old stories.

Nashville's Central Park has always made this place homey. The best part is that the place has little to no paparazzi.

I think I should go back to my new apartment now. I bought it a few months ago and now I have to finish moving in.

As I round the last corner to the parking lot, I notice a strange sight. All alone in the middle of the park is a baby carefully laid out on a checkered blanket.

I stop next to a tall oak and scope out the people around it. No one seems to notice the child, they are all too preoccupied with their lives.

I approach the little one carefully and calmly not to startle it. The pink jumper makes me suspect it's a girl but it still could be a girl. Once I'm in it's sight it happily babbles as if it knows exactly who I am. I kneel down on the big blanket and softly touch it's hand which quickly grasps onto my pointer finger. The bold, calm, blue eyes immediately catch mine. It doesn't seem to be much older than a few months. I carefully lift the baby off the blanket and make sure to support the head.

"Hi, baby, you're okay, I'm gonna take you to the hospital," I tell the child. I lift it more on my hip and surprisingly it lifts its head off my shoulder, which must mean it's about three months old. The baby smiles a toothless smile as I quickly pick up the blanket.

"Okay, let's head to the hospital," I tell the child as I make my way to my car which I parked not too far from here.

I pull open the back door of my car and toss in the blanket. I know it's unsafe to drive with the baby so I quickly call Abigail.

"Hey? What's up?" She answers.

"Not much, except I found a baby in Central Park and need a ride to the hospital," I answer siting in the backseat with the baby on my lap.

"Okay, I'll be there in twenty minutes," she says as I hear keys jangle and a door slam.

"Thank you, I'm in the west parking lot," I tell her before hanging up.


I see his bold blue eyes staring up at me. He babbles happily at me looking at him.

As I walk in the bell above the door rings, and I walk up to the the receptionist desk.

"Hi, I found this little one in the park down the street," I say when she looks up at me.

"Oh it's Finley," she says and I hand him over, blanket too.

"Thank you his foster parents leave him everywhere, Laura where is his parents now?" The receptionist asks someone in the back.

"I think they are on vacation this week and most of the next, they left for Hawaii, uh 2 hours ago," Laura says.

"Ok whose turn is it this time?" The receptionist says, I never caught her name.

"I don't know, Stella, I think Johnny check the paper, it's on the whiteboard," Laura says.

"Ok it's Johnny's turn," she said making her way back to her desk after checking.

"But Johnny is also on vacation, so who does he go to?" Stella said.

"I'll take him," I speak up, impulsively. They both turn heads to me.

"I can take him and watch him this week," I repeat.

"Um, sure, I think that's ok. Can you watch him for 13 days?" Stella asks.

"Yeah," I say again not think very much.

"Ok hold on, Laura get the diaper bag, and car seat. I'll get the contracts," Stella says standing up and leaving the room with Finley.

I stand there think about what I just said, "I'll take him" repeated in my head. I guess he's coming home with me.

"Here you go, sign with your full name here, here and here," Stella says handing me the contract across the desk. I sign my full name, Taylor Alison Swift, fairly quick except of my middle name because with do autographs all the time.

"Here's the bag and car seat," Laura says setting the bag down by the desk and car seat on the desk.

"Thanks," Stella says and sits Finley the seat. She straps the buckled around him. Takes back the paper I just signed, and turns the seat around.

"Thank you, Ms. Swift," she says, and hands me the bag. I take the bag and car seat and head out the door.

My apartment is a little far but my car is parked at the park. So I make my way to the car.

I get there, and open the backseat door, I strap in the bottom part of the car seat and then Finley.
He fell asleep on our walk here. I get in the front slam the door shut and sling my purse and diaper bag in the passenger's side. I then pull my seatbelt over my body and hear the familiar click of the buckle. Start the car and drive towards my apartment.

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