15: Hospitals and Paparazzi

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So I had a though which led to a long term idea. It'll start slow but I promise it's worth while.
Daxton Buttler will be Finley baby through toddler years. Then it'll switch to Gage Butler because of reasons I can't say.

*** In the photo if you look closely there's a bruise or scare by Daxton's eye. He actually fell in his high chair or something. But I know he got hurt.***

Taylor's POV
On the road still. We've gone through Asia and now the Europe. It's been fun. Instead of plane rides we have bus rides, sometimes both. Which are long and tiring. Fin has been good so far. He doesn't like time change or jet lag. Which doesn't help me at all. Well change time and I'll get adjusted but he'll stay up all night screaming and crying so I have to play with him or something. Then he'll sleep all day. It's just so tiring. He's pretty mellow. We go to another the doctors appointments for check ups and shots in a week.

Currently he's 10 months, he's been trying to walk and I'm working with him on that. It's going well he almost had it. He can do it if someone holds his hands. It's fun on the bus to sit in a circle and try to get him to come to you first. That's how we pick what movies or shows we are watching. Who ever he goes to gets to pick. I usually win because I'm his mom, the girls weirdly haven't changed that, so I guess they like me picking. My parents aren't on tour with me currently they both have things to take care of at home.

So I got my publicist to watch Fin while I'm on stage everything else is on me. I'm holding up pretty well because when we travel the girls love taking him around.

I was letting the boys watch him once and they decided to dress him up like from the band Kiss which was a prank we did on Keith Urban ok the Fearless tour. That was a blast, but Fin didn't like the makeup or the wig. He wasn't a happy boy.

"Guys are we leaving?" I ask. We are going out for lunch before sound check.

"Yeah I need my purse," Caitlin says.

"Someone toss me Fin's blanket and where's the stroller?" I ask.

"I don't know, but here's the blanket," Liz says tossing me the blue blanket. We are actually walking to the restaurant so I think the stroller with the blanket would help him try to tune the Paps out more.

"You know what I think you set it by the door," Caitlin says joining me at the door. I have Fin wrapped in a blanket along with an extra blanket to set over the stroller, plus the diaper bag and my purse.

"Yeah, ok here take these bags," I say handing her the diaper bag and my purse. I manage to pop up the stroller one handed, it's really easy. I lay him down and stick a binkie in his mouth. He happily sucks on it while I pull the cover over him. Then I lay a blanket over that.

"Here I'll take them," I say reaching back for the other bags. I stuff the diaper bag in to the bottom compartment of the stroller. I set my purse on my right shoulder and the girls grab their stuff and we head out.

We meet the boys just inside the hotel. We decide to walk in a formation, we have exactly two security guards for the 8 of us including Fin. The boys walk out first with one security guard. Because there is stairs, I take Fin out of the stroller and let the guy carry it. The girls each take one side of me and Fin and then we head out. I already have a bad feeling about this. I instinctively rub Fins back as we continue. The paparazzi start getting to close to us so we back up a bit. I feel fin turn his head, then something knock in to my shoulder and his head. He explodes, as well do I. Caitlin, Liz and I had been so surrounded we lost out security guard.

"Get back! Get away! He's not that old. Please leave him alone!" I shout before I feel Caitlin and Liz grab each of my arms which were protectively wrapped around Fin. We hurry up the steps and back to the hotel.
I look down at Fin's head it's turning in to a bruise but it's also on his head. I start worrying.

"Caitlin text the boys what happened, Liz please take Fin, I'll be back," I say running off and getting the car seat. We secure Fin in the seat and head out again. This time we make it to the car and head to the hospital, I want to get this checked out.
"It's nothing really, it's should go away in a few weeks, what hit it again?" The doctor asks examining Fin.

"A camera, from the paparazzi," I say.

"Oh ok, yeah he'll be fine, the swelling will go down, if not put an ice cube in a bag then wrap it in a towel and hold it to his head," she says finishing up.

"Thanks," I say. I meet the girls in the lobby and we head off to get a quick lunch then sound check.
After the show and t-party. Once I finish with everything, I take Finley to the hotel room with the girls. I silently hoping I got the chance to punch the guy who hit my son with his giant camera in the face. Who does that, they have to have the picture that bad that they risk hurting the baby. Really what's with that cruel idea. That's terrible.
I fall asleep that night wishing to return the bruise to that guy as my son has.
I finally updated!!! Yay! I'm extremely sorry I didn't update as much but now I have everything set up so expect some chapter but not fast because I still have two other books which I'm also currently working on.
Who say the Out of the Woods music video? Review?
What's your favorite video of Taylor's?
I like the OOTW music video different from the others, it was good. My absolute favorite is Mine or You Belong With Me.

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