28: Long Live

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Phoenix's POV

I've been here for a while. Taylor keeps telling me about something called thanksgiving. She talks about the delicious meal and how it's a day to be thankful. We've mainly hung out around the apartment and she says she wants to move to a bigger one where I can have my own room.

My old room was the size of her closet. I had a blanket, tile floor, little light but I could reach to turn it on, no windows, nothing like that.

But for now I've been sleeping in her room. It's comforting to be cuddled in her arms every night and she brought a nightlight that has Cinderella on it. I told her that was my favorite princess after we watched the movie.

Fin has become like my little brother. And Taylor said that my adoption was finalized. I'm officially Phoenix Hope Swift.

"Fin, Phoenix, time for bed," Taylor calls from the kitchen where's she preparing food to bring to Andrea's tomorrow.

"Okay, come Fin, Taylor said its timwe to slweep," I say taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen.

"Thank you, I'll be up in a moment to help you guys, can you take Fin with you?" Taylor asked. I nodded and led him up the stairs.

"Come'n let's go to slweep," I said. I find his pajamas folded on the changing table along with mine. I take his and hand them to him and set mine on the ground. From what I remember I need to change his shirt.

"Arms up," I say and he puts them up happily. I quickly pull the shirt up towards me. After I get it off he gets us and leaves the room. I start chasing him with his shirt.

"Fin you need to wear pjs," I tell running after him.

Taylor's POV
I hear yelling from upstairs. And start laughing, I can hear Phoenix yelling at Fin to help her get him dressed. I quickly finish arranging the rolls and stick them in the oven, then quickly run upstairs where they are both sprinting back and forth in the hallway. I catch Fin then Phoenix.

"Hewre's his shirt," she says holding it up.

"Thanks, come'n let's go get ready for bed," I say walking to his room. I change Fin in a new diaper and pajamas then I change Phoenix in to a new diaper and pajamas. I might as well potty train them at the same time.

Phoenix's POV
I wake up the next day and Taylor's still sleeping so I snuggle closer to her with the stuffed monkey she bought me. I had to explain what happened with the bunny to her. When I was younger and had one, my dad cut it up in front of me, saying bad words and stuff.

I inhale Taylor's sweet perfume even though most has wore off. She wraps her arms around me and I slowly let sleep consume me.

When I wake for real Taylor is dressed and so is Fin. It seems as if they've been waiting on me. Taylor helps me take a bath.

I get dressed in a white dress with white tights, pink sweater and black flats.

Next we head to Andrea and Scott's. We arrive and Austin is there. He takes Fin and I to the basement to play with some Legos. We build a castle. It's very tall and big.

"Kids, time for dinner," Andrea calls.

"Let's go guys dinner time," Austin says.

"Upppy?" Fin asks.

"Well, I can't carry you both unless Phoenix, do you want a piggy back ride?" He asks.

"What's a piggy back ride?" I ask.

"Here, jump on my back and wrap your arms around my neck and legs around my waist," he says.

"Ok," I say hopping on his back.

"Alright now hold on, Fin, Fin over here dude," Austin says lifting him off the ground and heading up the stairs.

"The Austin Train has arrived!" He voice booms in the kitchen. We all laugh and giggle.

"First stop, is the Fin station," he says setting Fin in his seat and buckling him in.

"Next stop, the Phoenix station," he says making train noises when Taylor accidentally steps in his path.

"Oh sorry," she says stepping back.

"Alright, here we are," he says lifting me off his back and setting me down.

They all take their seats and hold hands.

"Dear Lord, we thank you foe blessing us in all the ways you have, thank you for Taylor's career, it's a gift each day, we thank you for bringing Finley and Phoenix to this family. We hope you bless them each day. We hope you are with the lonely and hungry and homeless today, thank you for all your blessings, amen," Scott says.

"Amen," we says.

"Pass the meat, pass the stuffing," various people keep saying. We all end up with piled plates of food.

"So Phoenix what do you think of your first official thanksgiving?" Andrea asks.

"I like it, especially the food," I say taking another bite. They all chuckle then continue talking and eating.

It's a fun filled night with big smiles and loud laughter.

Taylor's POV
I look around on the middle of a silent moment when everyone's getting along and having fun. Phoenix has that shy smile on her face as Austin plays with her and Fin. Fin has those crystal clear blue eyes glistening. My mom and her laughter that lights up the room and my dad's social butterfly personality while joining the kids on the floor. I want this moment to stay forever. I just simply smile while taking a drink of Diet Coke.


Favorite part of Thanksgiving meal?

The potatoes and turkey and gravy!

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