12: The Royal Baby

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Taylor's POV
Today's the day. Today's the day, we are flying to Japan. Singapore, Japan. It's early, extremely early.

"Fin, are you ready to go to Singapore?" I ask him when I'm strapping him in the car seat. I was up earlier loading the car with months worth of clothes.
We're finally on the plane and seated. This is gonna be a long trip. It's like 15 hours or something. I think I'll take a nap, listen to music, watch movies, and do whatever I can to keep Fin to be good this trip.
We get off the plane and head inside the doors of the airport. There is fans lined up along barriers yelling and screaming.
I carefully listen for Fin's cries for comfort. And there it is.

"Hold on," I say.

"Hold this," I say handing Liz the car seat. She takes it and already knows what I'm gonna do.

"Shh, shh, shh, Fin it's alright," I whisper to him once I pick him up. I grab the blue blanket, which I found in the laundry basket. I wrap him in it and carry him through the rest of the airport, but that doesn't stop his quiet cries and whimpers.

We get out the the car and there's actually a van. We load up I put the car seat on the floor and just hold Fin.
He eventually stops. I hand him over to my mom. And pull out my camera.

"Here's my mom, with Fin, he was just crying a minute ago because of you'll. He was so happy to see you," I say mentioning to the fans before turning it off.

"Taylor, you might need to get a copy right or something for his face," Paul says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because then people can't sell picture of him, he is like the royal baby for America," Grant adds.

"Yeah, ok," I say agreeing with him.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Liz asks.

"I don't know, we have a show tomorrow, so let's sleep off the jet lag and shopping?" I say adding a suggestion.

"We could eat?" Amos suggests.

"Or sleep," Liz says curling in to a ball.

"Or shop," Caitlin says adding to my suggestion.

"Or watch movies?" Grant says.

"Or play with Fin," I suggest.

"Ok, this isn't working, let's go to the hotel, agree on two, and vote, majority wins, if it's a tie, then either Mama Swift decides or rock, paper, scissors," Paul says.
"Rock, Paper, scissors, shoot!" Amos and I shout. I throw out scissors and Amos throws out paper.

"Ha, I win let's go shopping," I say jumping up and down like a little kid.

"Fine, lets go," the boys say. We all grab our coats, purses, and wallets.
It's me and the band at the market or shops or whatever they call it here. My mom wanted to hang out at the hotel, so I left Finley with her.

"Taylor, come here," Liz waves me over to where her, Caitlin, Amos and Grant were.

"What?" I ask, before noticing these waving cats, "oh these are so cool," I say instantly fascinated.

"See I knew she would like these," Grant says from behind me.

"Yeah, ok," Amos says. I pull out my camera and start filming them in amusement.
Merry late Christmas!
Anyone seen that video blog with the cats?

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