Chapter 3

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*Long Chapter*
"Start from the beginning." Happy urged.

"Okay. Well, it's starts like this. I was born, cracked out of an egg yet still very different than normal children.

I was not confined to one magic.

I had my father's dragon slayer magic and others, not from my mother though.

It gave me my normal wolf form and Igneel gave me a dragon of my own.

It was wonderful.

I hadn't even figured out how to shift into my dragon when Natsu came along.

We were such good friends.

Igneel even called us the wonder dou.

Years before my mother had disappeared and now she had returned.

I had yelled at her and flew away, desperate to stay away from the wretched woman.

She left me for my whole life.

She was only around for a month or so then disappeared, never to be seen.

Suddenly she appeared, thinking it was fine to barge back in when I was finally happy.

She never knew when to quit.

I had flew as far as I could but soon had to come for a rest.

That's when Natsu found me once more.

"You can't fool this nose! Not even from hundreds of feet up!" He always said.

Then I always came up with the dumbest things.

"What about a thousand? Or maybe a hundred thousand?" I teased time and time again.

But this was the first time something happened.

I grabbed Natsu under the arms and hauled him high into the sky, overlooking the world.

Igneel soon came to join us, said my mother had completely left this time, never to return.

He told her that if ever talked to me again, even when he was gone, that he would kill her.

Best father a girl could ask for.

After all of Natsu trying to destroy single mountains he finally got it.

By then I was already on three or four at a time.

We had some good days and bad. Yet we never ran out of mountains.

Igneel always said rock spirits grew them to test our strengths for us.

But one day me and Natsu went on a quest for food.

We didn't know this then but we were very close to Magnolia and destroyed one of the mountains by here.

We just left it and headed back thinking it would grow back like the others.

A few weeks later Igneel sent us out again and we went to that same mountain thinking it would have grown back and we could harvest some of the sheep that were once there.

But the sheep had left due to the still crumpled mountain.

When we told Igneel he was not upset like we had thought he would have been.

Igneel understood that we were getting in practice while still getting food.

He was proud but scared.

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