Chapter 14

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You guys ready to go on?" I asked.

"We were born ready!" Natsu exclaimed.

"Good, cause you guys are the last two up but boys are first, I'll announce Gray then you Natsu." I said.

"You're the announcer? I thought you were in the show?" Gray asked.

"I am, I'm the announcer for the boys and Natsu is the announcer for the girls then your the announcer for the groups, remember?" I asked.

"So that's what Makarov meant." Natsu mumbled.

"Well, I got a show to do!" I said excitedly and grabbed the mic beside me.

I walked out onto the stage, smiling.

"Woah, she wasn't wearing this earlier." "She's kinda hot." "I think her and Natsu are together." "Natsu must love her."

I heard various murmurs in the crowd and tried not to laugh.

"Remember guys, whatever you're saying our judges can hear, including the dragon slayers, so tell your friends what you think and we'll get the votes in there then you put in your vote on paper and we'll mix that one with the oral." I said.

We went through a line of the boys Gray got a lot of votes including Juvia screaming. "He's mine, that's my boy!"

When Natsu came out, his chest and arms showing all of their muscles a few girls fainted, including a guy.

"Now I'll hand the mic off to Natsu for the girls." I said once he changed.

Before I went off stage he whispered something in my ear. "Be sure to tell Gray we're going last."

I nodded and walked offstage.

"Remember me and Natsu are last for the groups." I said.

"Alright." Gray said.

All the girls went, including Lucy and Erza who had tons of votes in the oral department, then we were left with me.

"Now, for the strongest wizard in the guild. The beautiful, Ally!" Natsu announced.

I walked out smiled.

After a few seconds I made a blossoming flower with dragons tending to every petal. It was beautiful.

When I walked offstage I heard boys moan.

"Now that the girls are done I'll hand the mic off to Gray for the groups!" Natsu exclaimed.

Gray walked out onstage, fully dressed.

I told him I'd be watching him.

He announced all ten groups ahead of us and then came ours.

We broadcasted a flame land behind Gray and walked out.

Natsu had a safari outfit on. It was a grey vest with grey shorts and black boots. He had the vest undone and his chest was showing.

My costume was a tiger print dress that went just below the top of my thighs.

I had boots with the same design and leather leggings that went to the bottom of my thighs and striped gloves with little horns on my head.

Natsu picked me up and headed onstage.

We did a spell together forming a jaguar and a wolf meeting.

It was heartwarming to be spilling out this stuff even though no one but us understood the real meaning.

Finally it ended.

We all changed back into our clothes and continued the day normally.

We kept getting compliments, not as good as what they were whispering to one another.

Probably because they didn't want to tell us to our faces that they would love to date us, thinking that we couldn't hear them.

"I'm going to head to sorcerer weekly's building to finish the interview, you wanna come with Lucy?" I asked.

"Sure, see you all later!" She exclaimed and we headed towards the building.

* * *

"I'm tired of walking, why does it have to be so far away?" Lucy complained.

"My feet are getting a bit tired too, just give me a second." I said and unfurled my wings.

"You may want to step back a bit." I said and backed up myself.

After we were far enough away I began to beat my wings heavily.

Finally I got high enough and signaled for Lucy to turn around.

I sped towards her and grabbed underneath her arms, flying away.

* * *

"Now I see why you punched him through walls the first time. I'm just glad I get to be in sorcerer weekly!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Honestly, I only heard about it recently. Just a couple weeks before he asked me. It seems kinda cool to be in a magazine though." I said.

We looked down at Mangolia as the sun set behind us.

"We heading to your place?" I asked.

"Yea, if we are sticking to the usual Natsu, Happy, and Wendy should already be there, maybe even Carla." Lucy said.

"Great." I mumbled.

"Why do you not trust Carla?" Lucy asked.

"No reason." I mumbled.

"Come on, there's got to be." She urged.

"It's nothing." I said.

"Natsu said you probably put Carla on your list, the worst one, why is that? It can't be nothing if you put her on the last list." Lucy said.

"There's the house." I said and dropped to the ground.

Lucy's P.O.V
I walked in and met Natsu, Wendy, Happy, and Gray.

"Hey guys!" I said and plopped down on my bed next to Wendy.

"I thought Ally was with you." Gray said.

"I thought she was right behind me, she must still be outside or something." I said.

Natsu rushed outside and came back with a scared expression on his face.

"What did you guys talk about?" He asked.

"I don't know, lots of things. Fairy Tail, Makarov, you guys, Carla." I was going to continue but Natsu stopped me.

"Did you talk about the list?" He asked.

"Yea, why?" I asked.

"Wendy you have a good sence of smell right?" He asked.

"Yea." She said.

"Smell her, does she smell like Ally?" Natsu asked.

Wendy smelled my arm and shook her head.

Natsu's eyes widened and started to look a bit glassy.

"Na-natsu?" I asked.

He ran out the door, when I looked at the walls I saw drops of water streaking down them.

"Oh my god." I said, tears welling up in my own eyes. "I chased away Ally."

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