Chapter 20

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"Everyone else went to the guild and the wolves went to hunt, you wanna go for a walk?" Happy asked.

I opened my eyes and smiled.

I got up, not noticing Natsu standing above me as well and standing right in his face.

"So do I have to push you over the edge or will you move out of my way?" I joked.

He stepped out of the way but I pushed him anyways making a swan dive off the balcony going after him.

Happy swooped in, grabbed Natsu, and flew away.

I unfurled my wings, feeling the tug of the wind pull them back and started flying after them.

"Who needs a walk when you can just fly?!" I yelled over the wind.

Happy threw Natsu at me and flew off.

"Ready to fly?" I asked.

"Don't throw me!" He exclaimed.

I went straight for the ground and swung back up and threw him in the air.

A second later I shot fire bolts at his back and they shaped themselves into wings.

"I wouldn't throw you, I would either drop you or let you fall on your own." I said as he dropped out of the sky.

"How do I work these things?!" He yelled, going straight towards the ground.

"Feel the air around you and just fly! You'll get it!" Happy yelled.

It took a minute of free falling for him to get it but he pulled up right away after the baby flaps.

"Nice!" I exclaimed smacking the spots in between his wings.

"How long will this last?" Happy asked.

"Yea, there's always a catch." Natsu said.

"It'll only last til sunset, otherwise your fine." I said and we flew off, playing in the sky.
* * *
"So Happy went home, it's sunset so you can't fly, unless I give you more. What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Why did you run off after Lucy mentioned Carla?" Natsu asked.

Tears started to cloud my vision making everything blurry.

"I feel terrible about that, about all of it." I said, the tears gradually falling down my face.

He raised my hand and kissed it.

"Don't cry, it's weird when you do." He said.

I smiled and let out a little chuckle.

"Same with you." I said.

"Have you ever cried before now?" He asked.

"Once. Before all of this. When we were still with Igneel, he said that you had gone off against what he said and done something stupid, very stupid. I cried all night, praying you'd be okay, you scared me half to death when you came out of the forest covered in scrapes and bruises, blood caking your skin. That's why I slapped you. You ran off against Igneel's wishes then come back hurt beyond oblivion!" I exclaimed, the memories flooding back into my brain.

"I thought you just hated me." He mumbled.

"We had been friends for years and you thought I hated you? I'm starting to think that your insane, which isn't any different than normal but still." I said.

"You love it though don't you?" He asked giving me a lopsided grin.

I gave a slight smile and nodded.

He stopped and pulled my head towards his then kissed me.

Wrapping his arms around my waist and mine around his neck we stood there on the hill, sun fully gone and now the moon lighting the path.

"Your right, I do love it." I mumbled and was sucked right back into a kiss.
* * *
"Oh shut up!" I exclaimed slamming a hand on Natsu's mouth.

He licked it but I kept it firmly on his mouth.

"It would be wise not to lick my hand again mister." I said sternly.

He licked again and I shoved more fire in his face than he could swallow making him fly into the water fountain.

"Happy?" I asked.

"You rang." Happy said appearing out of no where.

"Where did you come from?" I asked.

"From the guild, Gajeel wants to fight you." He replied.

I looked over to Natsu and we laughed, falling and rolling on the ground.

"Okay, seriously, why are you here?" I asked.

"No, he really wants to fight you. He also says to actually try cause he says he can definitely beat you." Happy said.

"Fine, I'll fight him. I'm not destroying Mangolia though." I said getting up.

We walked back to the guild quietly.

I was trying to estimate how easy I should go on Gajeel.

"Ready to fight?" Gajeel asked standing above the doorway.

"Better place to sit and intimidate someone is out in the open to show how your not afraid, you look like a scared kitten trying to hide from the wolf I am." I said and started to laugh.

"What's so funny mutt?!" Gajeel yelled in my face.

"What did you call me?!" I screamed throwing him across the room.

Everyone came out from under the tables making sure I wasn't going to throw anyone else.

I stormed out and flew away, ignoring people yelling behind me.

Natsu's P.O.V
"She just ran away." I mumbled. "Then you chase her away once more! How much of an idiot are you!"

I stormed out yelling Ally's name, watching her fly away.

"Happy." I grumbled.

"Aye!" He exclaimed and grabbed the back of my shirt.

"To the sky! By the way, I got my own." I said stretching out a pair of temporary flame wings.

"When did you learn to do that?" Lucy asked behind me.

"Ally did something to me and now I can do it, though it takes a lot. I think it'll get better with practice." I said.

"Can I get a pair? I wanna help look." She said.

I turned her around and shot a fire bolt at her back making the temporary wings.

Sure, they weren't real, neither of ours were, but they worked.

"Now, fly. You'll get it easily." I said.

When I opened my eyes she was already in the air and high above me.

"I really need to talk to her!" She yelled down to me.

I got a run up like Ally did and took off.
* * *
"You two have any luck?" I asked.

"No, do we keep looking?" Happy asked.

I looked towards the sun seeing it was almost sunset.

"Our wings will run out soon. We should fly back to Lucy's." I said.

"Let's keep close to the ground, we don't want to hurt ourselves too much." Lucy said.

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