Chapter 29

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We came to the end of the bridge and there sat a white lab, air surrounding it in a large bubble.

We had all compressed into three lines due to the small space of Kimio running out of energy.

"Why don't you ever do anything right? Why don't you go drown in the blood lake?!" A man from inside yelled.

Not a minute later a lady with blonde curly hair and sparkly green eyes came running out, running into none other, than me.

I stood still as she crashed into me, falling to the ground.

"What up?" I asked.

I must have looked pretty scary to her.

I was wearing a black leather jacket and a black t-shirt with a spiked choker and fishing net gloves. Also, I had on ripped black jeans with grey leggings underneath and tall black boots with small spikes on the toe.

"Who are you? You aren't supposed to be here." She said shakily.

"Who are you and what is this place? You answer me I may answer you." I said.

"I'm Leara, this is the lab for the science of magic. We study magic and it's properties, though it's hard, now who are you?" She asked.

"Do you have any projects where you take over Earthland?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" She asked.

"Oh, we just really hate Earthland, do you know where that specific lab is? We have some info they may really like." I said.

"Third floor, last door to the left from the staircase. Now who are you?" She asked.

"You don't need to know that, all you need to know is that your very, very tired and are going to sleep and forget all about us." I said lowering her head towards the ground.

Right when her head hit the ground she was out cold.

"Why did you do that?" Lucy asked.

"We aren't from Earthland from here on out, we are as I described and our language is based against our home." I said, ignoring her question.

"Act as tough as you can." Erza said, understanding what I meant.

We walked up to the front doors, before walking in I took a deep breath, then I pulled open the doors bringing them right off their hinges.

I tossed them aside into the blood blossoms.

"Who are you?" The receptionist asked.

"We have important info of Earthland. Also, take off your glasses you look like one of the filthy Earthlanders." I said going up the stairs.

We walked up three flights of stairs and on the third one we went forward to the end.

I looked at the end waited for everyone's approval.

Nodding I waited for everyone to repeat, they all nodded in return.

I kicked down the door and stormed in.

We all grabbed a scientist or two.

"What's this about taking over Earthland?" Natsu asked the two he was holding.

"You disgusting people! Security!" Lucy punched the guy straight in the face.

I chuckled, she was good at this act tough thing.

The guy already had two teeth knocked out from the single punch.

"Tell us what this project is before we beat it out of you!" Erza yelled.

No one said anything.

I lit my body on fire, the flames slowly trailing down my arms towards the two scientists in my arms.

"It's to take all the magic and the people out of your land and bring them here so we can live in your place! It's too dangerous here for us since many people are born unable to do magic! Only very very few can and there's so little I can't even name one! Almost all of them are emo people from Culima unhappy with how bright it was!" The scientist on my right screamed.

"Please don't hurt us!" One pinned by Gray yelled.

"Move to Culima then, it's real easy." I said.

"We, we never thought of that." The one with Lucy said.

I banged my head on the wall a few time since my hands were unavailable.

"Due to your stupidity, we are destroying all of your work so you can go live in Culima, enjoy the bright happiness of it." I said torching the whole lab.

Natsu looked at the fire hungrily.

"Don't even think about it Natsu." I said before grabbing him and heading out.

"It looks so delicious though." He whined trying to go back.

I draped him over my shoulder and we walked out.

"Bring us home Kimio." I said.

"Cool, this place is getting dull." He said, shooting us back into the demon world.

We walked throughout it and to the Earthland portal.

"You were so nice to help us, thank you." Wendy said hugging Kimio tightly.

"I hope to see you again someday, and thanks for the help." Lucy said hugging him.

"See ya some other time, maybe." Natsu said hugging him.

"Hopefully we see you again, and not under the same circumstances." Erza said hugging him.

"What they said." Gray said and hugged him.

"Thanks for the help, Earthland is probably the best place for me now, and you did help save it." Frost said hugging him.

"Bye Kim." I said.

"Don't call me that kid." He said patting my head.

"Don't call me kid." I said.

"Don't I get a hug?" He asked.

I shrugged and came in for a hug.

Before we parted I grabbed his hand flipping him over.

"Next time I see you, we fight." I said.

"How 'bout no, cause your going to easily beat me, like every time before." He said.

"Fine, now let's go home." I said smiling at the others.

We headed into the portal fading away and reappearing in Earthland.

The last to appear back home was Lucy.

"Your house?" I asked.

"Yep, and everyone's sleeping on my bed!" Lucy exclaimed.

We all cheered, knowing we would all be extra warm and comfortable.

"I'm so tired, and hungry. We eat buffet for breakfast, okay?" I asked.

"Yes!" They all cheered as we headed out of the barn like safe house and towards Lucy's house.

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