Chapter 16

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*Short Chapter*
Natsu's P.O.V
"The scariest and saddest part was seeing Ally in that state. Crying her heart out." I said.

"Must've been, has she cried before?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, but not very noticeable. I'm pretty sure my eyes were playing tricks on me though." I said.

"Do you think Carla is going to be alright?" Gray asked.

"From how Ally threw her, I'm not sure. She couldn't even move." Erza said.

Salty tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to pour out.

I got up and walked over to Mira behind the bar.

"Water." I mumbled.

She gave me a glass and put a hand on my shoulder.

I put my head on the bar and cried.

"She'll be back, I can just tell." Mira said.

"You don't exactly know her like I do." I said.

"Yes, but I know that she wouldn't leave without giving a reason or saying goodbye." Mira said.

"She did, she reached out to me somehow and said goodbye. That's been good enough for her for a long time." I said.

Mira stared at the bar, clearly knowing what I was talking about.

"She's done it to you?" I asked.

"Yea, but it was because either you were coming back, here, or was going on a job. Not something like this." Mira said.

"Whenever she left for a long time." I began, choking on my words. "She, she always said, some parting, parting words when she left."

Slamming my head back down in my hands, tears started to flood out of my eyes.

I felt a tentative hand on my back, when I looked up Lucy stood next to me.

"We're going with a search party, you wanna come?" She asked.

"Sure, I'll help." I said and got up.

"But you'll need someone that can easily find her, and not based on smell. She can basically turn off her scent and act on instinct with her wolf out." I said.

"How about that guy from the costume place, Bruno?" Gray asked.

"He might work, from what I hear." Lucy said.

"Yea, let's go get him." Gray said grabbing my shoulder.

I jerked my shoulder away and walked out the guild.
* * *

Ally's P.O.V
They were searching right below me.

I sent down a fire ball right in front of Natsu.

He looked up in my direction but couldn't find me until I spread my wings.

Natsu pointed up and me but by then, I was gone.

What he didn't know was that I had moved down next to him, watching every move he made.

When everyone else's back was turned I shifted, tears pouring down my face.

"I told you to forget me." I said.

"I can't, you mean so much to me." He said.

"Well your going to have to find something more important, like you did long ago." I said and shifted into my wolf, running from all of them before their eyes.

Tears creating puddles around me as I ran.

"Goodbye, old friend." I whispered and ran.
* * *

Natsu's P.O.V
"I feel like I'm going insane. Everyone saw it but I feel different." I said.

"At least she didn't say anything like you said she does." Lucy said.

"That's just it. It's odd, different, something is wrong and I know it." I said standing up.

"Are you going out to search again?!" Gray asked.

"Yes." I said.

"We were out there for three days last time! What makes you think you can find her now?!" Gray yelled.

Everyone's head turned our way.

"I'm going to use my brain and act on pure instinct! Not this half and half thing I do!" I yelled and ran out, grabbing Carla on my way.

"Why did you bring me?!" She yelled.

"Because, you know where she's going in your gut, not in you brain." I said.

Happy flew up beside me and smiled.

"Well then let me fly beside you." She said.

I let go of her paw and her wings appeared.

Happy grabbed onto my shirt and we flew away.

Ally's P.O.V
"Hello Mystogan." I said.

"Ally, nice of you to let me come." He replied, turning around.

"Remember, I told you I'd risk my life for this so if I die." I began to choke on my words.

"Don't let them know. Tell them I'm with my father and am never coming back! I will do anything to save the ones I love dearest to me." I said, tears flooding down my face.

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