Chapter 6

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Ally's P.O.V
Natsu had just come in the dream when they lunged at me.

"Ally!" He yelled.

My attacker turned her head towards Natsu.

Definitely not what she was expecting.

I slunk back into a corner, so out of my element.

I couldn't change color and it was a white room, I was black!

They lunged for Natsu, claws out, teeth sharp as usual.

I jumped grabbed their tail, flinging them against the wall.

"I can't shift! I need time!" I said as best I could.

Another thing I needed to work on, great.

"Fire dragon, wing attack!" Natsu yelled.

The battle went on without me as I concentrated on shifting.

I changed into my human but had dragon traits.

Scales, tail, wings, claws, teeth!

This guy was so toast.

They understood that this wasn't good and backed into a corner.

I looked to Natsu and nodded, he nodded back at me.

Natsu dropped to the ground behind me and I beat my wings hard.

"Fire dragon roar!" We yelled in unison.

Fire spewed, going straight for them, lighting them up like the moon on a star-less night.

Their body armor melted to their skin, their tail was burnt off, not even a bone was left.

They screamed a half human, half cat scream.

There's always a reason someone didn't like you, I just didn't expect something this low.

"One more?" Natsu asked, smiling.

"One more." I repeated pumping my fist.

"Fire dragon, iron fist!" We yelled and rushed for the attacker.

They used their arms to try and block themselves, bad idea.

Natsu's rush from the ground and me from the air crunched their bones and slid past to the throat.

They dropped, dead and still bleeding.

"Nice!" I exclaimed.

We highfived and exited my dream slowly.

"Who were they?" Natsu asked.

I looked to the stars in the tunnel, quiet as always.

"Ally?" He asked.

"Take a guess." I mumbled.

"Her?" He asked.

"Yea, my question is why would my mom send people for me when my dad sent her away." I said.

"Maybe she blames you for not being able to see him." Natsu said.

"Yea I doubt that." I said rubbing his head.

"You may be flying above me but that doesn't mean your invincible!" He yelled and lunged for me.

I twirled and moved around violently.

"Actually, with you, it kinda does." I joked.

He made a pouty face and stuck up his hands.

"Fine, but don't think this is happening everyday." I said.

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