Chapter 17

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Lucy's P.O.V
"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To find Natsu, clearly he's onto something." Erza said.

"He's always onto something, and it's never good." I mumbled.

"Don't be that way." Gray said.

"I can be whatever way I want to be!" I exclaimed.

Gray slammed a hand on my mouth knocking me backwards.

He wrapped his other hand around my shoulder so I wouldn't escape.

I pulled out Taurus's key and silently summoned him.

"That's my girl!" He yelled and smashed Gray.

"Thank you Taurus!" I exclaimed hugging him.

"No problem Lucy, I told you I'd protect you-." I forced him back before he could finish and continued walking.

"That was cruel." Gray mumbled.

"I could have bit your finger." I said.

"That would have been better!" He exclaimed.

"I wouldn't let go." I said.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and moved towards Erza.

"I can't stand this! Erza has her stuff with her for a short mission and we're walking!" I yelled and ran off.

Natsu's P.O.V
"She was saying that I told on you guys when you were young." Carla said.

"It sounds like a distraction, but your somehow involved. Both of you." I said. Just then a huge burst of light exploded to our side.

"I thought the magic suckers things were over there! Why is there light over there?!" I screamed.

"Because not trusting me was the distraction. She's getting back at the magic council." Carla said.

Lucy's P.O.V
I huge blast of light came on our right knocking us all to the ground.

"What was that?!" I screamed.

"I think it's Ally!" Gray yelled.

We stood up just as the ground stopped shaking and the light disappeared.

"Wait, what's over there that she would attack?" I asked.

"All that I can think of really is some towns and the magic council but that's all." Erza said.

"Didn't Makarov say she could take on the magic council in one battle?!" I shrieked.

"We gotta hurry!" Gray exclaimed.

We ran with all of our might, catching up with Natsu a bit later.

Ally's P.O.V
The guards trembled.

"Where's the council?" I asked.

They held strong though still shakey.

"I asked you a question! Now I expect it to be answered!" I boomed.

They didn't reply and stood tall.

I rolled my eyes and spread my wings out a bit.

"See these? I'll find them one way or another but this is easier. Now, do you want to die or let me talk to the Council?" I asked.

Suddenly I heard Natsu's voice behind me.

"Ally! What are you doing?!" He yelled.

Fear surged through me and I took off flying.

"Your not getting away that easily again!" Gray yelled, shooting towards me with an ice pillar.

"Requip!" Erza yelled.

She changed into her black wing armor.

Natsu shot at me with fire and Lucy was flown up by Happy and Carla.

"I told you to forget me!" I screamed, shoving fire in their faces yet blocking it from Natsu.

"That's just cruel!" He yelled.

I flew off towards the forest and landed deep among it.

"Why must you always follow?" I mumbled.

I watched everyone shoot away over head but Lucy ducked down below.

Hiding behind a tree,  I watched as she talked to Happy and Carla.

"You two go search, I'll make it very clear if I find anything." She said.

Carla said something then flew off with Happy on her tail.

I slowly stepped out in front of Lucy once I was sure neither Happy or Carla were around.

"Ally? Oh my, Ally!" Lucy exclaimed hugging me.

"Yea, I get it. Why must you guys insist on following me?" I asked.

She backed up and giggled.

"We're family, all of us. No matter our what our backgrounds are, we all connect as one with Fairy Tail." She said.

I looked to the ground, shifting from one foot to another.

"I've been a terrible Fairy Tail member. Makarov might as well kick me out." I mumbled.

Lucy looked appalled.

"Your the best member here!" She exclaimed.

"Just cause I'm strong, that I'm a real dragon. I have a weakness and everyone knows it. But I give him such a hard time. I tarnish the Fairy Tail name just by this! How can you call me the best member?!" I exclaimed, tears running down my face once more.

"You have guts. You defend what's right, your friends, your pride, yourself, all at the same time. You know how to handel situations all the time. You have brains and brawn, not something you always come by." She said.

I collapsed on the ground, my wings crumpled around me, clothes tattered, tears clinging to my face.

I was a mess.

"You don't need to cry. If you let down one guard you definitely won't be able to defend everywhere else. I'll help you with what your doing, dispite the consequences." She said.

I looked up at her, glee heating my cheeks.

"Thanks, the only dangerous part is that they may think that I'm attacking, I just want to talk. Take out Gemini, they'll tell you the exact same thing." I said.

"I don't need to." She said, reaching out a hand towards me.

I grabbed it and got up.

"Thanks." I mumbled hugging her this time.

"Oh, and don't worry, I'm not going back til this is over." She said.

"Alright, let's do this." I said and we began to walk back towards the magic council.

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