Chapter 5

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Natsu's P.O.V
"Lucy!" I yelled.

"What?" She groaned, waking up groggily.

"Look!" I yelled shoving a paper in her face.

"Dear Lucy,
If I do not awaken for about a day and a half do not freak out, ask Happy why I am tired and about my magic. Just avoid telling Carla, I do not trust that cat. She isn't on my friend list and if she ever is, it shall be a miracle. If you are wondering about this ask Natsu, he will know why this is. Trust Happy, beware of Carla.
-Ally " Lucy read.

"What's that mean?" Wendy asked.

"I say we trust her." I said.

"Well of course you do, this is someone you know from long ago." Lucy said.

"So Happy, what does she mean about her magic?" I asked.

"Well people have been trying to steal something of hers and for a while so she's been fighting hard to keep it." Happy said.

"What is it?" Wendy asked.

"A scale of Igneel's." Happy said.

"What?! She has one of his scales and managed to hold on to it?!" I yelled.

"That's impressive. Grandeeney would never give me one of her scales." Wendy said.

"So, what's this friend list of hers?" Lucy asked.

"Well, a long time ago we trusted someone with our secret and they sent the guards on us. We took out the guards and she's always kept her friends close and on a special list in her head. She puts them on one list if they are really close, like I am. There's also just a friends list, but not like the one I'm on. Then there is the a list for not trusting someone and really not trusting someone. My guess is Happy is on the close list and Carla is on the last one." I said.

"I've never heard so many smart words come out of your mouth." Gray said out of no where.

"What are you doing here?!" I yelled.

"What are you?" He asked.

"I was invited!" I yelled.

He looked over to Lucy then back at me and started laughing.

"Really? She doesn't even invite me why you?" He laughed.

Just then Ally pinned Gray against the wall, growling in his face.

"I get it! I get it!" He yelled.

After a little bit she got down and went to lay down again.

"Sleep listening again? You haven't changed a bit." I said.

Ally growled a response.

"Sleep what?" Gray asked.

"She listens to us and reacts while asleep." I said.

Gray sat down at Lucy's desk.

"So, what are we going to do with her? I doubt you want a huge blob of fur in the middle of your house." Gray said.

Ally growled then huffed and turned invisible.

"What the heck?" Happy wondered.

"She changes her fur color! No wonder I could never find her!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Happy asked.

"Whenever we played hide and seek I couldn't find Ally, now I know why." I said.

"We should play hide and seek as a guild! It would be fun!" Wendy exclaimed.

"We could have one round Makarov seeking and one round Ally." Lucy said.

"That'd be cool." Gray said.

"Of course Ally would seek first cause if she hid it'd take all day and she refuses to seek in the afternoon. I don't know why though." I said.

Ally whimpered underneath me and her fur turned purple.

"What's that mean?!" Happy asked.

"I don't know." I mumbled.

"I'll get out Loke, he should know." Lucy mumbled, reaching for her keys.

Just then Ally growled and turned red.

"Colors are emotion, so red means angry and purple means, scared?" Gray wondered aloud.

"What would she be afraid of?" Wendy asked.

I froze in place.

Everytime she dreamed of this something bad happened afterwards.

I scooped Ally up and started running for the forest.

"Natsu!" Lucy yelled behind me.

"Where we going?" Happy asked.

"To the forest!" I exclaimed.

"Aye sir!" He yelled and grabbed me.

Happy jerked up, most likely expecting more weight.

"She's not that heavy." I said.

"Sorry." Happy apologized.

We flew fast. Happy knew it was urgent.

Ally whimpered and coiled into an even tighter ball.

"It's okay, we're almost there." I soothed.

"Did you want Erza to follow?" Happy asked.

I looked back to see Erza rushing up behind us.

"Natsu!" She yelled.

"How does she know what's happening?" I asked.

"We flew right over the guild, it was the fastest way." Happy said.

Ally whimpered once more, curling up so much it was hard to hold her.

"Faster Happy!" I yelled.

"Aye sir!" Happy yelled.

* * *

We were I'm the middle of the forest, Erza and the others on our tail somewhere in here too.

"We're in the forest, remember how much you used to love it here?" I asked.

"It's just a dream Natsu, what's the worry?" Happy asked.

"There you are!" Erza exclaimed walking towards us.

Ally stiffened a bit and cocked her ears.

"What's wrong with her?" Lucy asked.

I sighed. "I have to go in." I mumbled.

"Go in? What's that mean and why can't any of us do it?" Gray asked.

"Cause you guys just can't! I know I've always said this to you Gray but not to all of you! None of you are ready!" I yelled.

Erza's face twisted into anger.

"Get over it Erza, he's talking crazy." Gray said.

"No, it makes sense. We don't know her, he does, he'll be let into her dream." Lucy said.

I smiled and sat down next to Ally.

"Exactly. You aren't as dumb as everyone says." I joked.

"No one calls me dumb except you guys!" She exclaimed.

I laid down on Ally, my head on her shoulder and fell asleep.

I guess we'll all see how this turned out.

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