Chapter 1

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"Bilbo! Supper's ready!" I yelled from the kitchen. My brother walked into the kitchen and smiled at me.

"I smell fish" He said. I nodded and gave him his plate. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and sat down at the table. I fixed my plate and sat next to him.

"Let's dig in" He was just about to squeeze the lemon on the fish when someone knocked at the door. He looked at me confused.

"Did you invite someone over for dinner?" I asked him. He shook his head and stood up to go answer the door. I wonder who would come visit this late in the evening. I got out of my chair and decided to fix another plate for this visitor. It's a good thing I bought the extra fish.

"Dwalin at your service" I heard. Dwalin? Do we know a Dwalin?

"Bilbo Baggins at yours..." HE trailed off. I giggled at his awkwardness.

"Um... Do we know each other?" He asked.

"No. Now, where is it laddie?" The man replied.

"Where's what?" Bilbo asked confused.

"Supper. He said there'd be food and lots of it" I heard the man come into the kitchen. I turned around with his plate and jumped. I didn't expect it to be a dwarf...But I should have known since Dwalin sounds like a dwarven name.

"It's a good thing I made extra" I said and put his plate on the table.

"Thanks lass. Dwalin at your service" He said.

"Bella Baggins at yours. I'm Bilbo's sister" I introduced. He nodded and dug into his fish. I sat down in my seat while Bilbo stood there confused.

"Mm...Very good. Is there anymore?" He asked as he finished the fish. Bilbo gestured to his fish. Dwalin finished Bilbo's fish rather quickly.

"Any more?" He asked. I shook my head

"That was the last one. I would give you mine but-"I started.

"Nonsense, I won't take food from a woman" He held his hand up. I smiled in thanks.

"We weren't expecting company." Bilbo said. As soon as he said that, there was another knock at the door.

"That'll be the door." Dwalin said. My brother walked towards the door and anothewr dwarf came in.

"Balin at your service" I heard.

"Good evening" My brother replied

"Yes, yes it is. It looks like it might rain later though. Am I late?" The dwarf said coming in. He came into the kitchen.

"Oh. Evening brother" Balin greeted Dwalin. The black haired dwarf put down his cup and walked to his brother.

"Oh by my beard! You got shorter and wider then when we last met!" Dwalin greeted. His brother.

"Wider not shorter. Sharp enough for the both of us" Balin shot back. They put their hands on each other's arms and smashed their foreheads together.

"Excuse me, I think you may have the wrong house" Bilbo said. They ignored him as they kept talking.

"Have you eaten?" Dwalin asked his brother. Balin shook his head.

"The pantry is right there. Help yourself" I said. Bilbo looked at me in disbelief. We could always buy some more food at the market.

"It's not that I don't like visitors, I like visitors as much as the next hobbit but I like to know them before I invite them over to my house." Bilbo continued, oblivious to the fact that the dwarves are ignoring him. I just continued eating my fish.

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