Chapter 10

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  I woke up to several people whispering and coin bags being tossed around. I kept my eyes shut because honestly, I was comfortable and didn't want to move.

"Be quiet you idiots! You'll wake her" Thorin's voice sounded. I felt him shift under me...Wait...Under me? Does that mean? I opened my eyes and I was met with the sight of Thorin's chest. I blushed brightly and looked up. I saw the other dwarves looking at us. Some had smiles, some had smirks and then the two morons (Kili and Fili) were wiggling their eyebrows. I flipped them the bird and laid my head back down on Thorin's chest. His chuckled vibrated in his chest.

"Good morning. Sleep well?" He asked. I nodded.

"Like a baby How about you?" I asked.

"Same" He replied. I gave a yawn and I couldn't help but notice how right it felt to be in his arms. I watched as the other dwarves started walking away. I took notice of Balin casually slipping a piece of paper into my coat that was hanging up on the post of a stall.

"Come on, let's get up" Thorin said. I groaned and buried my head in his chest.

"Can't we stay here a bit longer? You're quite comfortable" I said.

"What was that? I couldn't here since your head is buried in my chest" He said chuckling. I lifted my head to look at him.

"I said; Can't we stay here a little longer? You're quite comfortable" I repeated myself. He smiled and nodded.

"A few more minutes" He agreed. I smiled and laid my head back down. His arm came around my waist and I quickly dozed off. This time I woke up to the smell of food. I opened my eyes and found that the spot that Thorin occupied what seemed like seconds ago was empty. I slowly got up, wincing at the pain in my side. I staggered to the kitchen only to find stairs. I groaned and hissed as I climbed the first stair. It caught Kili's attention and he stood up to help me climb up the stairs.

"And here is the last member of our company. Bella Baggins, a hobbit of the Shire" Gandalf said to a rather large man. Almost twice Gandalf's size!

"Pleasure to meet you sir" I said. He looked at me.

"Just Beorn is fine my dear...But you are wounded" He observed. I nodded.

"Orc incident but I promise, I didn't get any blood on the furniture I said. He gave me a slight smile.

"Eat. I will patch your wound after" He said and placed a large bowl on the table. Kili led me to the table and helped me sit down. I slowly ate my food as the dwarves and Beorn talked.

"You are being hunted by Azog" He said as he poured himself a cup of coffee or tea.

"You know of Azog? How?" Thorin asked from behind me. I slightly blushed at the memory of this morning.

"My people were the first to live in the mountains. Then the orcs came from the north. They raided our caves and took prisoners. They killed most, but others were slaved" He trailed off as if remembering a bad time. I felt bad for him as I spotted the shackle on his left wrist.

"What kind of slavery?" Someone asked. I didn't notice who.

"Entertainment. They pit us against one another. A battle to the death" He said sadly.

"Are there any more of you?" I asked.

"Once there were many like me" He said looking down.

"And now?" I asked curiously.

"There is only one" He said.

"Oh...I'm sorry for making you think about that" I said. He shook his head.

"It is quite fine little one. Now, let's go patch up that wound of yours" He said. I nodded and Kili helped me stand up once again. I followed Beorn into another room and from a cabinet, he took out a jar and place it onto the table next to him. He also took out some bandages.

"I'm sorry but you're going to have to take off your shirt" He said and turned around. I took it off. I wrapped my shirt around my breasts. It was quite painful but I did it. When I told him that I was done, He turned back to face me and opened the jar. I took a peek inside and found this weird yellow paste.

"This paste is like a bandage. It will harden so that nothing gets into the wound but you must change it every two days until your wound is healed enough. I will give you extra paste and bandages" He said and started putting the paste on. I hissed as he spread it. I bit into the loose sleeve of my shirt and when it was over, I sighed in relief. He finished by wrapping the wound and securing it with a safety pin. After he gently placed me on the ground and turned around, I put my top back on and we walked back into the dining room.

"You need to reach the mountain before the last days of autumn" Beorn remarked. I sat down next to Thorin who was now sitting at the table. He looked away from me and continued talking with Fili. I frowned and looked at my hands that were sitting on my lap. Kili sat beside me and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he gave me a reassuring smile. I returned it with a small smile.

"We will take the elven road. The path is still safe" Gandalf said as I tuned back into the conversation. I felt Thorin stiffen beside me. I could tell he seriously did not want to go near anymore elves.

"Safe?" Beorn scoffed. We all looked at him in confusion.

"The wood elves of Mirkwood are not like the rest of their kin. They're less wise and more dangerous. But that matters not" He elaborated. Thorin looked at him

"What do you mean?" He asked Beorn.

"These lands are crawling with Orcs. Their numbers are growing and you are on foot. You will never reach the forest alive" He replied.

"Will you help us" I asked him. He looked down at me and sighed.

"I don't like dwarves. They are greedy and blind. Blind to the lives they deem lesser than their own, but... Orcs I hate more. What do you need?" He asked. I smiled widely and Gandalf told him what we needed.


"Remember to change the paste and bandages every two days until it is sufficiently healed and try not to get cut there again" Beorn said as he helped me get onto a pony that he let us borrow. I nodded and gave him a hug.

"Thank you for everything" I said. He looked down at me and smiled.

"It was my pleasure Ms. Baggins. Do not hesitate to come visit me again... Just don't bring the dwarves unless you get married to that one" He gestured to Thorin, who was, thankfully, not paying attention to our conversation because I blushed a bright red.

"What would make you think that I'll marry him...Or anyone for that matter?" I asked him. He chuckled.

"What I see between you two is Pure Love and admiration for each other." He said and stood up. He sniffed the air and looked back at us.

"Your enemy is not far behind. Leave now, before it is too late" He said.

"Thank you" Gandalf said and we were off. We rode past fields and hills until midday. Then we let the ponies take a small break so they could continue. We then continued for another hour or two and we reached the edge of Mirkwood.

"Here lies our path through Mirkwood" Gandalf said.

"No sign of Orcs. Luck is on our side" Dwalin grunted and Thorin nodded.

"Let the ponies loose so they can return to their masters" Gandalf instructed. I carefully got off my pony and led her away from the group.

"Go on now, Go back home. I promise I'll visit as soon as I can" I told the pony. It nuzzled my hand then walked off. I smiled and returned to the group.

"The forest feels sick" I noticed. Balin nodded.

"If a disease lies upon it, wouldn't it be wiser to go around?" I asked. Gandalf shook his head.

"Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance south" He replied. I nodded understanding. The other dwarves started letting their ponies loose.

"Not my horse! I need it!" Gandalf exclaimed as Ori was about to let the horse go.

"You're not leaving us are you?" I asked. He sighed.

"Believe me, I wouldn't if I had a choice" He said with a worried look on his face. I gave a small frown as he mounted his horse. He faced Thorin.

"I'll be waiting for you at the overlook of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me." He said. Thorin nodded.

"Be warned for this is not the Greenwood of old. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It will seek to enter your mind and lead you astray" Gandalf said. I looked to Dwalin that was standing beside me.

"What does he mean by that?" I asked. Dwalin shrugged.

"You must stay on the path. Do not leave it for if you do... You will never find it again" Gandalf warned us.

"That seems pleasant" I said sarcastically. Thorin glared at me.

"Sorry, I get sarcastic when I'm nervous" I said. He rolled his eyes and looked back to Gandalf.

"No matter what may come, stay on the path" Gandalf said as he started riding away. The dwarves and I look back towards the rather scary forest. I heard Thorin sigh

"Come on. We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's day" He said and walked up to the edge of the forest.

"Yeah Let's go" I added and we walked into the forest.  

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