Chapter 16

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*Bella's P.O.V*

"What exactly are we looking for?" I asked kicking a small rock.

"If the map is true then the door lies directly above us" Thorin replied. I nodded and looked up above us. Sky. I trailed my eyes down until something caught my eye. I climbed up the small boulders and squinted my eyes.

"What is it lass?" Dori asked me. I pointed towards the giant dwarf statue.

"Do those look like stairs to you?" I asked. He took a good look and his eyes widened.

"Bless my beard! You're right!" He exclaimed.

"Thorin! I think I found something!" I exclaimed. Thorin approached me.

"What is it?" He asked. I pointed to the dwarf statue.

"Up there" I said. He looked in my finger's direction and smiled.

"You have keen eyes Ms. Baggins. Good work" He said leaning in and giving me a quick kiss before walking in front of the others. I touched my lips and smiled. Sure...It wasn't our first kiss but even at our third kiss (not that im counting...) after the barrel incident, it still felt like the first kiss.

"Come on lass, you don't want to be left behind" Dwalin said walking up from behind me. I shook myself out of my love struck trance and ran after them. I stopped once I was beside Thorin. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. I looked at him and he smiled while looking at me from the corner of his eye. Once we got to the stairs, I looked up and gulped.

"You're not scared are you?" Dwalin came up from behind us. I glared at him.

"I'm not scared" I defended. He smirked.

"Then why are your hands shaking?" He asked. I huffed.

"For the last time, I am not scared!" I exclaimed.

"Then prove it" He demanded.

"I will" I said and walked forward. Thorin grabbed my hand once again.

"Be careful" He said. I smiled.

"I always am. I'm a Baggins remember?" I asked.

"You're also a Took and from your brother, I heard you're pretty irresponsible" He said.

"Stupid Bilbo" I muttered. Thorin laughed and let go of my hand. I reached for the top of the first rock...I couldn't reach it. I jumped... Still couldn't get it. Thorin stepped up.

"Nope! I don't need your help!" I exclaimed. He backed up and I bent down. I jumped once more and I reached it. I brought my leg up but I couldn't reach it. I sighed and let go. I leaned my head against the stone.

"Fine, can you help me please?" I asked. Thorin stepped up. He put his hands on my waist. I shivered and I was pretty sure he was smirking. He lifted me up and I finally got on the first one. Fortunately, the other steps weren't as high as the others so I was capable of climbing them, but by the time we were at the top, I was out of breath. I sat down against a rock and tried to catch my breath. The others came onto the ledge and gathered around Thorin. He lifted the key into the air.

"Let all those who doubted us rue this day!" He exclaimed. The others cheered.

"Right. we have our key which means that somewhere, there is a keyhole" Dwalin said and walked up to the wall. He started patting trying to find the keyhole.

"Don't we have to wait until the last light of Durin's day?" I asked. I was ignored... Big surprise there... I sighed.

"The last light of Durin's day will shine upon the keyhole" Thorin said. He walked up to the wall and looked back at the setting sun. It looked like he was trying to figure out what the light was hitting. Nori walks up to the wall holding a cup and a spoon. He starts tapping around while his ear is against the cup that's against the wall.

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