Chapter 14

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  After a few more minutes of awkward silence between Thorin and I, the barge stopped and I felt Bard get of the boat and I heard him start tying the barge to the dock. He came back on the boat and pushed over one of the barrels. I heard a grunt and fish spilling. He continued pushing other barrels.

"Get your hands off me" Dwalin said. I struggled to get out of the barrel but with Thorin and Bard's help, I managed to get out. I looked down and my clothes and felt my hair.

"This is going to hard to take out" I said. I heard Thorin chuckle.

"You'll be fine" He said. I raised and eyebrow.

"I'm slimy, I smell like a fish and you say it's going to be fine?" I asked. He nodded.

"You'll be able to bathe once we arrive at my house" Bard said. I smiled at him.

"You're my hero" I said. He chuckled and walked over to the shocked to the dock keeper.

"You didn't see them. They were never here. The fish you can have for nothing" He said and slipped a coin in the man's hand.

"Follow me and be quiet" Bard instructed us and started walking away. We snuck around town until he got stopped by a boy. I instantly saw the resemblances between him and Bard.\

"Papa! Our house! It's being watched" He whisper yelled. Bard looked at us

"I have a plan. But you might not like it very much" He said


"I'm going to kill him" I muttered as we waited inside the toilet. Ok the pipes that were attached to the toilet.

"He did tell us that we wouldn't like the plan" Kili said from behind me. I 'humph'ed .

"When is he going to give the signal?" Bofur asked. Just as he said that, we heard three knocks on the wall near the toilet. Dwalin grunted and pulled himself out of the toilet.

"Talk about this to anyone and I'll rip your arms off" He said. It was my turn to climb out. Kili lifted me up and I grabbed onto Bain (Bard's son)'s hand. He helped me out.

"Don't listen to Dwalin. He maybe all intimidating and manly but deep down, He's a big teddy bear. It's our secret ok?" I asked. He nodded and I ruffled his head. I walked out of the bathroom and a little girl passed me a towel. I thanked her and she gave me a cute smile.

"So...Da, why are there dwarves and a hobbit climbing out of our toilet?" The eldest daughter asked.

"Will they bring us luck?" The little girl asked. I smiled at her cuteness. After all the dwarves came out, Bard got his daughters, Sigrid, the eldest and Tilda, the youngest to pass out blankets.

"Miss?" Tilda said tugging on my coat. I looked down at her and smiled.

"What is it sweetie? And call me Bella." I asked.

"Papa told me to prepare a bath for you. But can you help me please? Sigrid is talking to the blonde dwarf" She said. I looked at Sigrid and sure enough Fili was flirting with her. I could tell that Bard wasn't too happy with that. I stifled a laugh and looked at Tilda.

"Of course sweetie. Lead the way" I told her. She took my hand and lead me towards the bathing room. She had me pour the water in the tub and I got undressed behind the privacy screen.

"Can I take your clothes Bella, I'll go wash them while you're in the bath." She said.

"Oh no sweetie, that's fine. I can wash them after" I said.

"But I want to." She said. I sighed.

"Ok. But only because you're so cute" I said. I handed the clothes to her from the side and she took them. On her way out, she closed the door. I slid into the hot water and let out a sigh of content. I quickly washed myself and decided to relax a bit.

"Miss? Can I come in?" I heard Sigrid from outside the door. I hid myself as best as I could and told her she could come in.

"I brought you some clothes. It's a little too small for me but too big for Tilda. It should fit you" She said showing me a bundle of clothes. I smiled at her.

"Thank you and you can call me Bella. Miss makes me feel old" I said. She smiled nodding and walked out. After a few more moments in the water, I got out. I dried myself with the towel and tried on the dress Sigrid brought me. It covered what it needed too but it was a little tight over my bust and my waist. I adjusted my breasts so it was comfortable. I sighed. This was as good as it gets. I walked out of the bathroom while drying my hair with the towel. I walked into the living room and the dwarves stopped talking as soon as they saw me.

"Bella?" Fili asked. I looked at him

"Yes?" I asked him. He swallowed and opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out

"I think what he's trying to say, is that your attire is a bit revealing" Balin said.

"A little? That dress leaves just about nothing to the imagination...Not that I'd be imagining that" Thorin exclaimed, blushing at the end. I looked down.

"Ok fine. I'll go ask Sigrid if she has anything else." I said and walked out of the living room

*Thorin's P.O.V.*

I gulped as she walked out, the sway of her hips becoming a bit much for me. Especially with that dress she has on. I crossed my legs and I heard a snicker coming from my nephews.

"I guess someone was happy to see her in that dress" They teased.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said. They laughed and some of the others joined in to.

"Not that I'd be imagining that" Bofur imitated me. My cheeked darkened and I looked down at my lap.

"You are hopeless" Fili said.

"Oh shut up" I said. They all laughed again and that was the subject of the conversation for about 20 minutes before Bella came back in a less revealing dress and her hair a mess.

"Stupid hair" She said while trying to brush it. Kili laughed at her.

"Shut up" She said. He just laughed harder.

"Do you want me to braid it for you?" I asked. She looked at me with tinted cheeks and nodded. I patted the ground in front of me with my foot and she sat down where I told her to. I took the brush from her and carefully brushed it. Once the tangles were out, I started braiding her hair into one long braid. Once I finished, I expected her to move away from me but she didn't. her head fell onto my thigh.

"She's asleep?" I asked looking at Balin. He nodded smiling. He stood up from his place on the sofa and her made Ori stand too.

"Lay her down here. It should be more comfortable" He said. I nodded and carefully picked her up. I laid her down. I then lifted her head up and sat down. I replaced her head on my lap and the others and I started talking once again.

Finally, the time where everyone went to bed arrived. I made sure everyone was settled in a spot before letting myself fall asleep.  

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