Chapter 21

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  He was glowing! I quickly backed up and looked at Balin.

"Balin?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Sorry lass. I'm afraid I've never seen anything like it in my lifetime" He replied looking as shocked as I was.

"A man and a woman" A woman's voice said. I looked around trying to find the source of it.

"Shall meet with a hatred" The voice continued. I looked to Balin.

"Do you hear that?" I asked him. He looked at me confused.

"Hear what lass?" He asked.

"With time a friendship will grow" She continued. I kept looking around.

"And a love will blossom" She said.

"A love strong enough to defy death!" She finished and I gasped as pain seared in my chest. I looked down and saw my chest glowing just like Thorin's.

"Bless my beard! Never in my life did I think I'd live to see this day!" I heard Gandalf. My head snapped towards him.

"Do you know what's happening to us? A woman just spoke to me in my mind but I don't understand" I said clutching my aching chest.

"A man and a woman shall meet with a hatred. A friendship will grow and with time, a love will grow, a love strong enough to defy death?" He asked.
I nodded.

"My dear Bella, I cannot tell you what is happening. This is something you must see yourself" He said. As fast as the glowing arrived, it was gone. I looked to Gandalf as he gestured to Thorin. I looked back at the dwarf king. His chest was slowly rising and falling.

"Thorin!" I gasped and crawled to him. I leaned over him and placed my hand on his cheek. His eyes slowly fluttered open. Tears formed in my eyes. His eyes focused on me.

"Bella" He croaked. I smiled.

"Does anyone have water!? "I asked. Dori took a pouch of water out of his coat. He opened it and gave it to me. I smiled at him thankfully. I gently lifted Thorin's head and poured a bit of water into his mouth.

"Drink a bit" I said. Once he swallowed a few gulps, I took the pouch away.

"Bella, I saw a bright light. It was a woman. She told me a prophecy. One of great love that defies death. She told me that it wasn't my time" His voice sounding stronger with every word.

"That prophecy was about us my love" I told him while moving hair away from his face. Tears of joy started rolling down my cheeks.

"Dwalin, can you help me stand up?" He asked looking at his closest friend. Dwalin stepped forward.

"Are you sure?" I asked Thorin worriedly. He looked at me and nodded. Dwalin sat him up and brought Thorin's hand over his shoulder. He gently lifted him up. When Thorin was finally up, he smiled at the others.

"Today, we lost many great men, including the bravest of all dwarves, my nephews Fili and Kili. Today we have won a war. A feast shall be held. We will remember our fallen soldiers, Songs will be sung and tales will be told" Thorin said, trying to stand tall. The others cheered.

"Long live the king!" They chanted and bowed to him.

"You needn't bow to me. You are friends" He said.

"You are family" I corrected Thorin. He looked at me and nodded.

"Family" He agreed. The others turned their bows to me.

"Long live the queen!" They yelled. I blushed and looked at Thorin for an explanation. He just smiled.


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