Chapter 19

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I watched as the dwarves suited up for battle. I really didn't like the fact that they were getting ready for a war but I couldn't really do anything about it. I was just a hobbit.

"Bella, come here" I heard Thorin. I stood up and walked towards him.

"I don't want you to go into battle. I couldn't bare to lose you but if you do go into battle, I want you to wear this" He says holding up a white shirt.

"Put it on." He said. I took off my coat and he helped me put it on.

"This vest is made of silver steel. Mithril it was called by my forebears. No blade can pierce it" He said.

"I look absurd. Thorin...I'm not a warrior. I'm a simple hobbit" I said. He sighed.

"Bella, you are much more than that. You are beautiful, kind, courageous and the woman I love" He said. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"I love you too Thorin" I said. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. He pulled away once we heard his nephews cheering. He got this look in his eyes.

"Thorin, what's wrong?" I asked. He pulled me to a corner.

"I have been blind, but now I'm beginning to see. I am betrayed!" He whispered. Did he know that I...?

"Betrayed?" I asked trying to hide my nervousness.

"The of them has taken it. One of them is false." He said. I gulped quietly.

"Thorin, the quest is fulfilled, you've won the Mountain. Is that not enough?" I asked softly. He ignored me.

"Betrayed by my own kin" He said shaking his head.

"Thorin. You made a promise to the people of Lake-town. Now is this treasure truly worth more than your honor? Our honor, Thorin. I was also there" I asked.

"For that, I'm grateful, but the treasure in this Mountain does not belong to the people of Lake-town. This ours, and ours alone" He said. I sighed. He sounds more and more like Smaug each passing day.

"With my life I will not part with a single coin. Not one piece of it" He said and walked away. That's what I'm scared of. It's decided then. I walked back to my room and traded my clothes for warmer ones. I also put on a coat. I went into the closet and grabbed the Arkenstone. I sighed and put it in my pocket. As I walked to the top of the wall, I grabbed a rope. I found a ring that looked sturdy enough to hold.

"Where you going lass?" I jumped and sighed when I saw it was only Bofur.

"I'm just grabbing some air" I said nervously.

"It's a lovely night out isn't it?" He asked. I nodded.

"We'll I'm off. My shift is done. Bombur should be here in about 15 minutes" He said. I nodded and he started walking away. I looked at the rope in my hand.

"Oh Bella, there's no shame in running from a battle" He said and walked away. I sighed.

"I'm not running. I'm trying to stop a war" I whispered. I threw the rope on the other side of the wall and climbed over it. I then climbed down the wall. Once I was low enough, I let go and put the ring on. I ran down the mountain and all the way to Dale. I wove my way through crowds of people until I finally reached Thranduil's tent.

"You, bowman! Do you agree with this? Is gold so important to you? Would you buy it with the blood of Dwarves?" I heard Gandalf's distinct voice. I smiled.

"It will not come to that. This is a fight they cannot win" I heard Bard. I took off the ring

"That won't stop them. You think the Dwarves will surrender? They won't. They will fight to the death to defend their own" I said.

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