Chapter 22

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I smiled as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Naira, who I had become close with over the past few months, put me in a dwarvish wedding dress and I really like it. She went to braid my hair but I stopped her.

"If you don't mind, I'd like my outfit to be a mix of hobbit and dwarf like the rest of the day." I said. She smiled at me.

"I don't mind. It's sweet that you'll mix the two cultures." She said. I stepped away from the mirror and went to my desk. I opened the drawer and took the white rose crown I had Bilbo make and bring me. Yes, my brother travelled here all the way from Bag End and let me tell you, he was not happy. I walked back to the mirror and placed the flower crown on my head. I fixed my hair so it looked ok and smiled. I was finished. I turned around and looked at Naira. She smiled at me.

"Absolutely beautiful, ready to go Ms. Baggins, soon to be soon to be Mrs. Oakenshield, queen under the mountain?" She asked. I took a deep breath and smiled. I nodded. We walked out the door and to the great hall. Bilbo was waiting for me at the gate.

"Ready for tea time?" He asked, looking rather uncomfortable that he was surrounded by dwarves. I nodded.

"Thank you for coming Bilbo" I said kissing his cheek. He smiled.

"Wouldn't miss my sister's wedding for the world" He said. I smiled back at him and we walked in. I had to stifle my laughter as I saw the scene in front of me. Dwarves were all dressed formally and sitting quietly at tables. Some had dwarvish tea cups and others, cups of a weak ale. There were also a few hobbits that I got along with that were looking uncomfortable being around so many dwarves. Everyone stood up as they noticed my brother and I walk in. Bilbo and I walked to the head table and I addressed the crowd.

"I have been living with dwarves for the past year. I am used to their antics. You needn't be so calm" I said. All of them relaxed their bodies and they started acting like the dwarves I'm used to. I had to stifle a giggle as the hobbits looked so out of place. But they quickly relaxed and started drinking ale with the dwarves, they started acting like the hobbits I know they are. Crazy but polite at the same time. I stood up and went to socialise.

"Does he have any brothers available?" My friend Daisy asked. I laughed and shook my head.

"Sorry Daisy, he only has a sister" I said. She gave a pout.

"What about him? What's his name?" She asked gesturing towards someone. I turned in that direction and instantly recognized that silly hat.

"That, is Bofur... Now that I think about it...and she's gone" I shook my head amused at my friend's behaviour.

"Bella?" I turned around and saw Bombur. He was holding a tray of small pastries.

"They look amazing Bombur" I said smiling. He smiled.

"Lass, I've never really baked these before, can you taste them please?" He asked. I nodded and took one. I took a bite and almost moaned.

"This is really good Bombur!" I exclaimed. He smiled proudly and went to place them in a vacant spot on the table.

"Bella!" I heard Bofur yell. I turned towards him and laughed at what I saw. Daisy was stuck to him like glue. I walked forward and had to stop myself from laughing too loud.

"Daisy, maybe calm down a bit and actually talk to him instead of freaking him out" I said. She looked at me and then to Bofur. She cleared her throat and let him go.

"Sorry about that, I get a little carried away sometimes" She said. Bofur smiled.

"I can see that; I get a little carried away too sometimes" He said. I quietly backed away when I realized they had this sorted out. I turned around and bumped into somebody. Arms wrapped around my waist and I smiled at the familiarity of it. These strong muscular arms were none other than Thorin's. I looked up at him and smiled.

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