Chapter 18

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"Poor souls" Balin said as we watched the dragon destroy Lake Town. I took a quick peak at Thorin. He looked indifferent to the situation. I sighed and looked back at the town. Just then, a loud noise caught my attention. The dragon fell onto the town.

"What happened!?" Oin asked.

"The dragon... It's dead. I saw it fall... Smaug is dead!" I said.

"By my beard, I think she's right! Look there! The ravens of Erebor are returning to the mountain!" Gloin exclaimed.

"Aye. Word will spread. Before long, every soul in Middle Earth will know the dragon is dead" Balin said. The others cheered but Thorin walking back into the mountain caught my eye. He didn't look as happy as all the others. I quietly followed him all the way to the room filled with gold. I hid behind a pillar and watched him.

"Bella, I know you are there, you do not have to hide from me my love" He said. I got out of my hiding spot and walked down to him. He bent down and grabbed a handful of coins.

"This gold, it's all mine" He said, but as he did, I saw something flash through his eyes and it made me really uncomfortable.

"I'm going to go check in on the others" I said. I kissed his cheek and pulled myself away from him. He didn't say anything as I left, just stared at the mountains of gold surrounding him. I sighed. Something was definitely wrong.


"Hello? Bombur? Bifur? Anybody?" I heard Bofur yell from the front of the mountain. I gasped.

"Wait! Wait!" I yelled, running out of the room I was in.

"It's Bella! She's alive!" Bofur exclaimed.

"Auntie!" Kili and Fili exclaimed smiling.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! You need to leave. We all need to leave" I said as they got closer to me.

"We only just got here" Bofur argued. I sighed

"I tried talking to him, but he won't listen" I said.

"What do you mean, lass?" Oin piped up from behind the others.

"Thorin, he's been down there for days. He doesn't sleep, he barely eats. He's not been himself lately and I'm starting to get worried. I think... I think it's this place. I think a sickness lies upon it" I confessed. Kili and Fili looked worried.

"A sickness? What kind of sickness?" Kili asked. I looked at Fili and saw that his attention wasn't on what I was saying but on golden glow coming from behind me. He ran towards it.

"Fili? Fili!" I yelled running after him. I heard the others following. We stopped as we saw Thorin walking around the mountains of gold.

"Gold. Gold beyond measure, beyond sorrow and grieve" He said. He looked up and noticed our presence.

"Behold, the great treasure hoard of Thror" He said gesturing to the whole room. He threw a piece of gold to Fili.

"Welcome, my sister's sons, to the Kingdom of Erebor" Thorin said loudly causing the other dwarves to come out of their rooms. They all started embracing each other.

"Balin!" Bofur yelled happily.

"Bofur!" Dwalin yelled

"Kili!" Bifur yelled

"Bifur!" Kili replied

"Bombur!" Bofur yelled

"You're alive!" Bombur replied. Needless to say, it was a happy reunion.

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