Chapter 9

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I woke up to the sun shining through my eyelids. They fluttered open and I saw that I was on somebody's back. Thorin's back. I blushed bright red.

"She's awake and her face is red" Ori said from beside us.

"Thank Durin you're ok. I was starting to think you wouldn't wake up" He said.

"You can't get rid of me that easily. How long have you been carrying me?" I asked. He mumbled something.

"What?" I asked

"Two hours" He said.

"And how long have I been unconscious?" I asked.

"Around 10 hours" He said.

"Let me down" I said. He looked back at me.

"I don't think that's such a great idea" He said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because you're still injured. I put stitches and bandages to start the healing process but you won't be able to walk for a few days" Gandalf said. I sighed and nodded before laying my head on Thorin's shoulder...

After a few days, I got bored of riding on the backs of dwarves so I insisted that I was better. Thorin obviously didn't believe me but I proved it by walking a bit. Of course it hurt but I wouldn't let him know that.

"Fine! You can walk as long as you have somebody assisting you" He said after ten minutes of me begging him. He put me down and grabbed my arm gently. We walked in silence for a few minutes.

"You know we have to talk about it sometime" He said looking at me. I sighed.

"What is there to talk about? My brother didn't want to go on the quest, I did so I dressed up as my brother and came on this journey" I said. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"You got hurt. Because of me" He said. I stopped and made him look at me.

"It was not your fault. I got distracted and paid for it. Don't blame yourself" I said and he just sighed. I gave him a hard look.

"Fine" He gave in. I gave him a smile and we continued walking. After a few more hours of walking, Gandalf stopped the group in a small
clearing with rocks on one side. He looked at me.

"Bella, you should be well enough for what I'm about to ask of you" He said. I nodded.

"What is it?" I asked the wizard.

"I need you to climb up this trail and see how far away the orcs are" He said. I was about to nod but Thorin stepped forward.

"No, it's too dangerous you're not going" Thorin said. I groaned.

"I'm going. I've been nothing but a nuisance for the past few days, I need to help with something" I said and walked towards the rocks. I grabbed a higher rock but somebody grabbed my arm.

"Bella" Thorin said. I looked at him.

"I'm going Thorin and you can't stop me" I told him. He sighed.

"I know, just...Be careful ok?" He asked sincerely. I smiled and nodded

"Always" I said and started climbing

**Thorin's P.O.V**

"Always" She said and started climbing. I watched her worriedly until I could no longer see her. I then proceeded by pacing back and forth waiting for her to come back.

"Calm down Thorin. She'll be fine" Gandalf told me. I looked at him

"But what if something happens to her?" I asked.

"Nothing will happen to her. I assure you. But why are you so worked up?" He asked. I stopped. Why am I getting so worried? I took the necklace I grabbed from the troll hoard and looked at it. After this quest was over, I was going to give it to her, or to Bilbo so he could give it to her.

"I... I think I love her... I think she's my one" I said looking up from the necklace. I saw the smiling faces of my friends and I also smiled.

"Called it! Fili! You owe me 20 gold pieces!" Kili exclaimed. I looked at my nephews with a raised eyebrow.

"You bet on this?" I asked. They nodded.

"It was obvious, Fili just didn't believe that you would love her. Thanks uncle, you made me 20 gold pieces richer!" Kili said and grabbed the bag of money from his older brother. I rolled my eyes and that's when Bella decided to come down.

"How close is the pack?" Dwalin asked her. She held up a finger so she could catch her breath.

"Too close. Couple of leagues, no more, but that's not the worst of it" she said.

"What's the worst of it? Have they caught our scent?" Dwalin asked. She shook her head

"Not yet but they will. We have another problem though" She said. She was about to continue but she got cut off by Gandalf naming a few possible problems. I could see her getting annoyed after each problem he named.

"Will you just listen!?" She exclaimed.

"I'm trying to tell you that there is something out there" She continued. I could see Gandalf's face drop.

"What form did it take? Like a bear?" He asked. She nodded

"Y-yes but bigger...much bigger" She said

"You knew about the beast?" Ori asked from behind her. Gandalf just sighs and turns around.

"I say we double back" Bofur said. I rolled my eyes.

"And get run down by a pack of orcs after our heads. Great idea" I said sarcastically. The dwarves started arguing about what to do when Gandalf stepped in.

"There is a house. It's not far from here. Where we might take refuge" The wizard said. I looked at him, as did the others.

"Who's house? Are they friend or foe?" I asked coming up beside Bella. I snuck a glance at her. I blushed and looked away as she turned her head towards me. I was met with my nephews looking at me with raised eyebrows and smirks. I gave them a glare.

"Neither. He will help us or..." Gandalf started.

**Bella's P.O.V**

"He will kill us" Gandalf finished. I sighed. What's with everyone wanting to kill us?

"What choice do we have?" Thorin asked. Suddenly, we heard the howl of a warg. We all jumped and turned our heads towards the sound.

"None...!" He yelled and we started running across fields, streams and hills. The orcs followed us through a forest. We heard a bear roar and we stopped. The wargs did too.

"Quickly, This way!" Gandalf exclaimed. I took one last glance back and then ran. We ran out of the forest and towards a house. As Bombur passed by me, he accidently knocked me over. I fell on my injured side and gasped as I felt my wound open.

"Bella!" Thorin yelled and ran towards me. He helped me stand up.

"Can you walk?" He asked. I looked at him

"I don't think so" I said. We heard a roar and he quickly picked me up. He started running with me in his arms. We ran through the entrance and came to the entrance to the house. Gandalf walked up and lifted the wooden piece that was blocking the door from opening and the dwarves pushed. They opened the door and we all poured into the house. Thorin carried me in while the others were trying to close the door. The bear almost got in but they managed to close and lock the door.

"What is that?" Nori asked looking at Gandalf. The other dwarves also looked at him but Thorin carried me to a bench and laid me down gently. He was about to go wowards the group but I grabbed his hand. He looked at me and sat down beside me since the bench was rather large.

"That is our host... His name is Beorn and he's a skin changer" Gandalf stated. He started counting the dwarves. He then realized that Thorin and I were missing. He looked around and saw us on the bench. He ran over to us

"You're so pale my dear" He said. He made Thorin move. He did, but grabbed my other hand at the same time. Gandalf lifted my shirt just enough to see the wound.

"Sometimes he's a big black bear and sometimes he's a great strong man. The bear is unpredictable but the man can be reasoned with. However, he's not overly fond of dwarves" He explained as he started fixing my stitches. Thorin let me squeeze his hand whenever it hurt...which was a lot.

"He's leaving" Ori said from the door.

"Come away from there. It's not natural. None of it. It's obvious he's under some dark spell" His brother, Dori said while pulling him away from the door.

"Don't be a fool. Now get some rest, you'll be safe here for the night" Gandalf said. The dwarves dispersed and started looking for a place to sleep. Thorin was about to do the same but I squeezed his hand. He looked down at me.

"Stay here?" I asked him. He thought about it for a minute before nodding. He stepped back and took off his weapons, armour and jacket. So basically, he was in a shirt, trousers and boots. I nearly drooled at the sight. You could easily make out his muscles. He climbed onto the bench and I scooted over to give him more place. I leaned up and kissed his cheek. He looked at me shocked.

"What was that for?" He asked. I smiled.

"Take it as a thanks for saving me, multiple times" I said. He smiled and moved his hands under his head. I quickly fell asleep to the sound of his breathing and his warmth.  

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