Chapter 12

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  I walked back towards the edge of the forest and decided that I'd wait until somebody comes in or out of those doors so I sat down on a low branch. I didn't really have to wait that long since a second patrol of guards came sauntering out of the forest. I sat still until they passed. I then jumped down. I was hoping it would be quiet but luck wasn't on my side. I landed right on a log and it made a loud empty THUD!

"Did you hear that?" One of the elves in the back asked. The guy beside him looked back at him and shook his head.

"I think that spider hit you too hard" He said. The first guy took one last look and I made sure not to make any noise. He shrugged and continued walking. I quickly ran until I was right behind them and started following them. I was grossed out most of the way because they started talking about how great their wives are in bed. YUCK!

After a long 2 minutes, we finally made it inside the palace. I slipped between some guards and started looking for some stairs that led to the dungeon. Or at least, I assumed that I needed to look for stairs. Dungeons are usually underground right? Of course they are. I walked into a room and looked around. It was amazing.

"I know you are there. Why do you linger in the shadows" I stiffened. I thought my invisibility worked on elves. Could he really see me or does he just sense me. I was about to take off the ring to show myself but someone beat me to it. It was Tauriel. I quietly sighed in relief and leaned against a wall.

"I was coming to report to you" She said.

"I thought I ordered you to remove that nest not two moons ago" Thranduil said. Tauriel sighed.

"We cleared the forest as ordered, my lord, but more spiders keep coming up from the south. They are spawning in the ruins of Dol Guldur; if we could at their source-"

"That fortress lies beyond our borders. Keep our lands free of those foul creatures. That is your task" Thranduil interrupted her.

"And when we drive them off? Will they not spread to other lands?" She asked. I nodded. That was a pretty good question. I looked at the king for his answer.

"Other lands on not my concern. The fortunes of the world will rise and fall. But here in this kingdom, we will endure" was his reply. I scoffed. Both their heads snapped in my direction. My eyes widened as I realized what I did.

"Who's there? Show yourself" Thranduil said. I quietly but quickly ran to the door. I searched a bit more before I finally found the stairs to the dungeon. I followed a guard that was about to change shift with another guard. I saw the guards changing and went to the dwarves. They were all sleeping peacefully. Except for Kili. He was talking with Tauriel and it looked like they were having a moment. I smiled. Maybe elves and dwarves could get along. I looked in the cell closest to me and found Thorin fast asleep. He looked peaceful. Some of his hair fell into his face. I reached in between the bars and moved it away from his face. I smiled once more and stood up. I had to find a way out. I got to a room where some elves were drinking. One had the keys in his hands and he was drinking wine.

"We're running out of drink" the other elf said.

"These empty barrels should've been sent to Esgaroth hours ago. The bargemen will be waiting for them." The one with the keys said.

"Say what you will about our ill-tempered king but he has excellent taste in wine. Come Elros, try it" The other one tried to persuade Elros, the key holder.

"I have dwarves in my charge" Elros replied. The other took the keys from his hands and hung them up on the hook.

"They're locked up. Where can they go?" Elf #2 said. They started drinking. I waited until they got really drunk and took the keys.


"I'll wager the sun's on the rise. It must be nearly dawn" Bofur said. I walked up to the cells quietly, in case somebody was watching. I looked around no one.

"We're not going to reach the mountain are we?" Ori asked.

"Not when you're locked up in here" I said after I took off the ring.

"Bella!" Balin exclaimed in happiness. I shushed him.

"Quiet. There may not be guard in here but there are others nearby" I said and started unlocking the cells. Thorin came out and hugged me.

"Thank Durin you're ok" He whispered. I blushed but hugged him back. Kili and Fili were wiggling their eyebrows but the others were just smiling at the scene.

"I'm glad you're ok too Thorin. Now let's go" I said. Thorin let go of me and they all started walking towards the stairs. I cleared my throat.

"This way boys" I said pointing behind me. They started following me to the room with the barrels.

"I don't believe it. We're in the cellars" Kili exclaimed. We all shushed him.

"You were supposed to lead us out. Not further in!" Bofur whisper-yelled. I glared at him.

"I know what I'm doing! Now follow me" I said. I led them to the barrels and we heard a yell of surprise from the guards. I looked at the dwarves.

"Get inside the barrels. Now!" I ordered.

"Are you mad!? They'll find us!" Dwalin exclaimed. I shook my head.

"No they won't now will you trust me for once?" I asked.

"Do as she says" Thorin said giving me a small smile. They nodded and climbed into the barrels. Once they were in, I made sure they were all in there I made my way to the lever.

"What do we do now?" Bofur asked. I smirked.

"Hold your breath" I said. He looked at me confused.

"Hold my breath? What do you me-AHH!" He gave a short yell of fright as I pulled the lever. A trapped door opened and they fell into the water. I gave a short giggle and realized something. I don't know how the hell I'm going to get out. I walked around the trap door to try and make it open but it didn't work. I jumped and it moved a bit. I jumped a few more times before Tauriel walked into the room. She saw me and her eyes widened.

"You!?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah. Umm... I'm sorry for lying but now I really have to go" I said and jumped one last time. The trap door fell and I fell into the river. I grabbed onto the nearest barrel. It was Nori's

"Good job Bella" Thorin said. I gave a small wave of thanks while panting, trying to regain my breath.

"Go" I breathed. They nodded and started paddling with their hands. I looked to my right and saw some elves following us on shore.

"Faster! "I exclaimed but then I heard something that made my face drop. A waterfall. Someone grabbed the back of my coat and pulled me into their barrel. It was Fili.

"Hello, future aunt of mine" He said. I gave him an incredulous look right before I felt the barrel tip. I screamed until we hit the water below. I gasped and then laughed.

"That was a rush! Can we do that again sometime?" I exclaimed. I heard Fili laugh.

"Maybe someday auntie" he said. I blushed at the nickname he gave me.

"Will you stop calling me that?" I said. He shook his head smirking. I sighed. We heard someone yell something in elvish. It was blondie. After he yelled, a horn was blown and the gate in front of us started closing.

"No!" Thorin yelled as all the barrels bumped into each other and hit the gate. The elves surrounded us with their weapons drawn.
Suddenly, an arrow went through one of the elves chest and he fell forward. I screamed as he tipped mine and Fili's barrel. I fell out and I was soon pulled into another barrel. It was Dwalin who put me in Kili's barrel.

"You ok Bells?" He asked. I nodded shivering. I looked at the scene unfolding in front of me. Orcs were killing all the elves.

"Watch out! Those are orcs!" Bofur exclaimed.

"The lever" I heard Kili says before he managed to get out of the barrel. He jumped onto the stairs and climbed up the stairs. He reaches the lever when an orc takes a swing at him. Dwalin threw him a sword that probably came from the elf that fell in the water earlier. I watched helplessly as Kili fought with the orc. I saw Fili throw his knife. It hit the orc that was creeping up behind him. Kili finally killed his opponent.

"The lever!" someone yelled. He reached for it when an arrow pierced his calf. I gasped.

"Kili!" Fili yelled for his brother. He reached for the lever again and the orc notched another arrow.

"Kili, watch out! "I yelled. The orc was about to shoot the arrow but instead, an arrow went through his head. I looked at the source of the arrow and found Tauriel. She killed other orcs and the leader, the one who shot Kili, yelled something in whatever language he spoke, probably black tongue... He sent multiple orcs but more elves including blondie came out and helped Tauriel. I looked back at Kili and saw him pull the lever. We started floating down the stream. He fell down in pain. He broke the shaft of the arrow and managed to jump in the water. He climbed into our barrel and we saw another waterfall.

"Guess you got your wish Bella" Bofur said. I gulped. The first time it was fun because there wasn't any orcs trying to kill us. I closed my eyes and waited until we hit the bottom. We were floating in wild waves with Orcs, elves and dwarves fighting. I closed my eyes for the remainder of the time, not wanting to see any more dead bodies.


"Anything behind us?" Thorin asked.

"Not that I can see" Balin replied.

"I think we've outrun the orcs" Dwalin said.

"Not for long. We've lost the current" Thorin replied.

"Bofur is half drowned." Dwalin said.

"Let's get to shore. Quickly" Thorin said. We paddled to the shore and climbed out of the barrels. Kili instantly fell to the ground, groaning in pain

"I'm fine. It's nothing." Kili said. Bofur looked at him in concern.

"On your feet" Thorin said looking around in the trees for any trace of orcs.

"There's an orc pack on our trail. Let's keep moving" He added.

"To where?" Balin asked.

"To the mountain. We're so close" I said. Balin looked at me.

"A lake lies between us and the mountain. We have no way to cross it.

"Can we go around?" I asked.

"The orcs will run us down, as sure as daylight. We have no weapons to defend ourselves. I put my hand on my sword that's on my hip.

"Most of us don't have weapons. You got lucky" He corrected.

"I just happen to have amazing acting skills" I smirked. He rolled his eyes. I looked at Kili as he groaned in pain. I looked at Thorin.

"We have to bind his leg before the wound gets infected even more then it probably already is" I said. He nodded.

"Bind his leg quickly. You have two minutes" He said. Bofur and Fili pushed me away to bind Kili's leg. I stumbled and was about to fall but Thorin caught me. He helped me stand up and kept his hold on my arms.

"Are you injured?" He asked looking me over. I smiled and shook my head.

"I'm fine. It's Kili you should be worried about" I said. He looked at his nephew and back at me.

"Go make sure he's ok. I'll be fine. I always am aren't I?" I asked. He gave me a small smile and hesitated for a moment before he kissed my forehead and walked away. I stood there in shock. Did he just...?

"I told you he cared for you didn't I?" Balin asked me. I looked at him blushing. He laughed and walked away. I walked over to Ori and sat down next to him. I made sure the cut on his cheek wasn't infected before standing up. I turned around to find an arrow pointing straight at my face.  

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