Chapter 2

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****Kayla's POV****

I groaned internally when I saw the principal, Mr. Ross come towards me. And I swore I saw at least 5 other teachers off to the side, like they were waiting for their turn to approach me.

"Miss Kayla Feng?" Mr. Ross said. 

All I could think was what? I've met Mr. Ross before. Hundreds of time before actually. And now he's acting like he's seeing me for the first time? What is up with teachers? I grimaced inside but politely said, "Good morning Mr. Ross." 

"Ahh it's very nice to finally have the last of the Feng family arrive at Morristen high school! How is Jamie at Princeton?" he asked. 

Ugh, jumping right into the interrogation of my sisters. Oh the joy, sense the sarcasm. Plastering on the fake smile I've been using for the past 2 years I said, "Just fine. Princeton is treating her well.

"Oh fantastic! And is Snow doing well at Brown? It's her last year there correct?" he said immediately. 

"Yes it is. Although she's going to be a doctor, so she'll be off to medical school quite soon." 

"Oh wonderful! Do you happen to know which medical school she's going to?"

"Sorry sir, I don't, but she has applied to quite a few already."

"Oh that's quite all right. My oh my!! Those two are going to be quite successful!" Mr. Ross said. And with that, he left, without even a thought about how I was doing. I mean seriously? Isn't it like the principal's job to make sure the students are alright here? And especially now that they have eighth graders in the school.

Shaking my head, I began looking for my class, but of course I didn't even get more than 10 steps until another teacher approached me. I didn't even recognize this man! But of course there are alot of teachers in this school who taught my sisters. He bombarded me with the same questions Mr. Ross asked, and I gave him the exact same answers. I learned his name was Dr. Mac. Where the doctor title came from, I will never know, but he was Jamie's and Snow's AP physics teacher. I remember Jamie telling me, well more over my mom telling me since my sisters aren't even that close to me, that Dr. Mac was a horrible teacher, and that Jamie almost failed AP physics because of him. Oh well, looks like I'm not going through his class.

He, like Mr. Ross, left after he had enough information without a second thought. This continued on until the bell rang, signalling me to head off to homeroom. Wow, only 8 teachers approached me. Much lighter than I anticipated. But non the less I was happy class was starting. Hopefully my homeroom teacher didn't have my sisters.

On my way to class, something jacked my backpack off of my back. I whirled around to spot a chubby retreating figure.

Knowing who he was, I yelled, "Ted!! Come back here with my backpack!"

"Not gonna happen Kayla!" Ted yelled back with a devious smirk. Oh that boy is gonna get it!!

Running after him, I spotted my friend Kristi. "Kristi!! Help me out! That little twerp took my bag!"

Stopping, he said, "Hey! I'm not a twerp nor little! In fact, I'm older than you!"

"Yeah! So is like the majority of this school! But I'm still taller than you and a hell lot more stronger!! Now give me my bag back unless you wanna be in the nurses office in the first hour of the day!"

He knows I can beat him up, so he fled down the hall.

"Haha! God he can't go a minute without tormenting you huh Kayla?" Kristi said. I've known her since 3rd grade, and she's always been my best bud since then.

"Just help me catch him!" I said agitated. I am NOT going to be late to my first class on my first day! 

"Alright! Just glad I can torment him this early." she said with a devious glint in her eye. This is why I love Kristi. 

We started running after him, and we quickly caught up with him. Surprisingly, we didn't see any teachers in the halls. Good thing too cause I don't want to get in trouble the first day. 

Grabbing his arm forcibly, I said, "Now give me my bag. Unless you want nail marks on your arm." 

When he wouldn't budge, I dug my nails into his arm, right into a pressure point. He started overly graveling down in pain, dropping my bag in the process. 

Letting him go and snatching up my bag, I flashed him a smirk and said, "Thanks! Catch you later Ted!" 

"It was worth it." I heard Ted mumble under his breath. I laughed and headed to homeroom. I needed that to cheer me up and brace me for the long day ahead. 

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