Chapter 12

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****Brent's POV****

I'm about a second away from ripping that kids arm off if he doesn't stop flirting with my Kayla. Who the hell does that asshole think he is?! Does he honestly think Kayla would fall to her knees at the first cute boy she sees? She's not some slut he can take advantage. She's just so naive that she doesn't realize he's flirting with her. It's about time he knows that Kayla is mine. 

I saw her glance my way and she had a puzzled look on her face. Guess my anger is clearly written upon my face. I relaxed and smiled at her. She seemed reassured and turned her attention back to Mrs. Mafter. 

We walked out of homeroom and started heading toward orchestra. I felt glad that that Dustin kid wasn't going that way. Good, alone time with Kayla. 

"Hey are you okay Brent?" she asked quietly. 

"Yeah I'm fine."

"You sure? You looked kinda off in homeroom. You know you can tell me anything."

"Don't worry you're little pretty head Kayla. If anything was wrong I would tell you immediately." For reassurance, I kissed the side of her head. 

"Okay, if you say so Brent." she said doubtfully.

"So that Dustin kid seemed really friendly with you." I said out of the blue, trying to see how she feels about him. 

"Yeah, he seems really nice. I think we could be really good friends with him."

"Yeah sure." 

"Brent are you sure you're okay? You seem really out of it, like not your cheery self."

"Yeah don't worry. I'm fine."

"Okay Brent."

Oh fantastic, here comes Dustin.

"Hey Dustin! I thought you didn't have orchestra now."

"Yeah I don't, but I'm like completely lost. I asked someone where the art room is and they told me around her." he said looking completely lost.

"Aww you're all lost. Don't worry, art is just down the hall down those flights of stairs."

"Oh thank you Kayla. I don't wanna be late my first day. See ya!" he gave her a quick hug a dashed off. 

Did that little asswipe just hug her?! He has the nerve to give her a hug in front of me?! God this boy doesn't know what's coming to him!

"Brent? Brent what's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh nothing."

"You sure? You had like a murderous expression on your face."

"Yeah I'm fine. Come on lets just go in."

That little terd. Who does he think he is? Hugging my girlfriend. Regular people don't just hug someone who gave you directions. He's only been here for 40 minutes and he's already getting too friendly with Kayla. It's about time he knows who Kayla belongs to.

****Kayla's POV****

What was up with Brent? He looked like he wanted to kill Dustin. He just hugged me for giving him directions so he's not late. Anyone would be grateful if someone was willing enough to help them, especially on their first day when they don't know anyone. Brent, his stupid jealous self. Dustin is just really friendly. It's not like he's trying to flirt with me.

I was so busy wondering what Brent's problem was that I ran right into someone, knocking their stuff down.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. Here let me help me." I exclaimed while bending down to pick up the person's stuff.

"It's okay. I wasn't really paying attention where I was going either. Oh hey Kayla. Didn't know I ran into you."

"Dustin? God I'm really sorry about that."

"It's cool Kayla. Thanks for helping me pick up my stuff."

"Yeah no problem Dustin. Come on, let's get going. By the way, your class is that way. Come on, I'm in your class."

"Oh whoops. This school's pretty big. It's lucky that I have you in most of my classes."

We started walking to class, just talking about how his day was so far. I was telling him about all the weird teachers there are.

"Yeah, Mr. Filton is the strictest teacher out there. He's old and old fashioned, so everything you hand in has to be written. He thinks computers are devils. And if you don't understand one single thing he teaches, he rates you as a dumbass." I said about one of the eighth grade teachers. Connie has him and hates his guts. She will gratefully dance on his grave.

"Wow, thank god I don't have him. Any other strict teachers?"

"Not really. He's the one everyone hates. Although there is a lesbian teacher who like just recently came out of the closet. She got married and I heard she's like proudly showing her sexuality now."

"Really? You're not like a homophobe or something?"

"What? No no. I'm totally fine with gay relationships. Just feel that it may be a little awkward having her as a teacher. But you get used to it. Her names Mrs. Kennedy. I have her 7th period. "

"Oh, she's our teacher for AP Algerbra?"

"Yeah, she doesn't like overly act gay, so it's not like really awkward being in her class. Trust me, you'll get used to her."

"Huh. Anyway else weird?"

"Don't worry. That's it, this school isn't that weird." I said laughing.

"Nah, I rather stay in a weird school then a normal and boring school." he said nudging me.

"Yeah, well this school can get boring. But it is a school that doesn't make you fall asleep."

"Good. Besides, I think you make this school great for me." he said winking.

I laughed at him. "Just wait, I can make your life hell."

"I'm looking foward to the challenge."

"Come on we're here. It's time for you to introduce yourself for the third time today."

"Ugh, this is gonna be fun." he groaned. 

I laughed at him. Dustin sure is gonna be a great friend.


yeah.... this chapter was pretty uneventful, but you did see alot more of Dustin. so yeah... I have to go say goodbye to my sister since she's leaving for college. HAVE FUN AT MIT JESS!!

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