Chapter 20

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****Dustin's POV****

I was wincing at the pain in my jaw. God, for a midget, that kid can sure pack a punch. I groaned at the bruise that I was sure was forming at the base of my shin. I knew Kayla could protect herself well, but I never thought she would think of harming me. 

But why would she even have to think twice of harming me? I brought all this upon myself. I knew Brent would be beyond furious after he found out. I knew that he would want to get revenge for touching his girl.

But what I didn't expect was Kayla to hate me. Well, what was I expecting after I punched her boyfriend. It didn't even seem like Brent was mad at Kayla at all. He was channeling all of his anger toward me, which was pretty understandable. But could she honestly just expect me to let him beat me up? Yes, I was the one who kissed her, but she kissed me back! Brent should at least be a little pissed at her for doing that. Instead, he's looking at it like I brainwashed her into kissing me back. 

Either Brent is just too in love with her to realize that she kissed me back, or she worded it weirdly to make it seem like I kissed her. Is she purposely putting on the blame on me?! She seemed so vulnerable before, but determined to not get me in trouble. But one punch to Brent, and now she hates me. 

What is running through her head right now? As soon as I was on the ground, she ran off to her precious Brent and carried him to the nurse, leaving me on the ground in front of everyone. Does she really hate me that much that she isn't concerned at all about the pain inflicting through me right now? Physically and mentally?

I guess I really did screw things up. I should've never kissed her. It mucked everything else. Sure, she said she didn't hate me for kissing her, but I knew either way, I would be the bad guy everyone despised. 

I have to find a way to fix all of this, but how the hell do I get everyone to forgive me? I kissed Brent's girlfriend, and I punched Kayla's boyfriend in the gut. Both of them should be hating me, and I'm certain all of their friends will hate me too. Although, when Vanessa found out I kissed Kayla, she looked okay with it. She actually seemed happy about it. I wonder how her other friends will react. Happy that I kissed her, or furious at me for ruining her relationship with Brent. But I'm certain after they heard about our little scene, they would definitely hate my guts.

Should I even apologize? I mean seriously! Brent hit me first. I could tell Kayla didn't want any violence to happen, and I didn't want to hurt Brent, but he freaking hit me first! Kayla should've been scolding him instead of me!

No, Dustin you have to apologize. You started this whole thing with that one kiss. If you just held yourself back, none of this would've happened. You have to get rid of your feelings for Kayla, man up and apologize to her. I could care less how Brent thought of me, as long as Kayla forgave me. 

I heard the door open and my stomach clenched at what I saw. Kayla was helping Brent walk in, while holding an ice pack to his stomach, right where I hit him. Brent handed in their late pass and hobbled over to his desk. Psh, he's so over exaggerating his pain. I didn't hit him that hard. 

I saw Kayla make her way over. I wanted to apologize to her, but I knew she would be giving me the cold shoulder. I didn't want to meet her eyes, so I dropped my gaze and glared at the top of my desk. 

When can I apologize to her without that many people listening in? I obviously can't do it in any of our classes. Maybe when we get off at our stop? Yeah, that seems like the best idea. I'll just make her listen to me. Besides, we're the last stop, and no one else will be on the bus by the time its our stop. 

Soon enough, the final bell rang and I quickly dashed to our bus. I wanted to make sure I sat near Kayla so I can talk to her when I got the chance. I ran on to the bus, searching around for her. I saw Vanessa sitting down talking to some junior, but I didn't see Kayla. I looked a little outside to see if she was with Brent, but I didn't see her either. Where are you Kayla?

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