Chapter 11

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****Kayla's POV****

Brent and I we're walking over to homeroom, just enjoying being with each other after the weekend. We were just holding hands, and alot of people were giving us amused looks. Seems like everyone knew how much I liked her. 

"So your weekend okay?" I asked him. 

"Great. Just fine. You?"

"Fantastic. Did you start that project Mrs. Fitzpatrick gave us?"

"Hell no. I don't understand why we have to do project now. It's only the third week of school. We haven't learned that much."

"Apparently she wants to know more about us. It's some project asking all about our lives and what not. It's so retarded."

"Yeah I know. Mind helping me with it?" 

"You can't do a project about your own life?" 

"We could work on the project, but we could do something else.."

I smacked his arm. "Don't go all perv on me Brent!" 

"It was worth a shot." he shrugged. 

"Come on, lets just go in." We were outside of homeroom and class started any minute. He begrudgingly walked in behind me. 

"Kayla, Brent over here!" I heard Becca call to us. 

"Hey Becca!" I said.

"Hey how are you two love birds doing?" she winked at me. 

I laughed at her. "Fine, although Brent was being a pervert to me before."

"Oh calm down I was only kidding." he said while putting an arm around my shoulder. 

"Mhm sure you were."

"Oh come on. Don't tell me you weren't excited at the thought." he huskily said. 

"Do you honestly think I'll just crumble at your feet at the first seductive move you make?"

"When it's me and you, definitely." 

"Oh? So I'm just some kinda what, slut to you?"

"What no! You're not some slut to me Kayla. I swear!" 

"Really? So if I'm not a slut, then I'm a bitch?" 

"No! No Kayla you're nothing except for beautiful."

"So I'm not smart or kind or even responsible?"

"No! Kayla you're perfect." 

"Now who's the one crmbling at their feet?" I smiled at him. Ha! Now we know who's the dominant one in this couple. 

I turned and saw Becca laughing hysterically. "Brent got pwned!" she said between laughs. 

I started laughing too. "Hell yeah!" 

"Ugh I can't believe you Kayla." Brent said while pouting. 

"Oh hush Brent. I was only kidding. Doesn't feel so good when you're on the other side huh?"

"Nope. I think I deserve an apology."

"No you don't! What about me?"

"You don't deserve one cause you got revenge." 

"Exactly. Which means you don't deserve one either!" 

"Oh will you two shut up! You guys are acting like a married couple and you've only been dating for 3 days!" Becca shouted at us. 

We laughed sheepishly. Wow, I guess we really are a good couple. 


"Good morning class. Please hand up your homework from the weekend." Mrs. Mafter said sitting down at her desk. 

"Also, we have a new student joining us today. Welcome Dustin Xu." In came in this tall Chinese boy, who even I have to say is pretty cute. But I only have eyes for Brent. 

"Hey everyone." he said with a smile. Hmm... Pretty confident too. Most kids are pretty shy when they first come here. 

"Dustin why don't you take a sit next to Kayla over there." He nodded at her and made his way over to his seat. 

"Hey. So your name is Kayla?" he asked me.

"Yeah hey Dustin. Where did you live before here?"

"I came from Boston."

"Oh cool. So do you like it at Morristen so far?"

"Yup. I definitely am now." He winked at me. 

Huh? What's that suppose to mean? Whatever, probably just being polite.

"So, what classes do you have?" 

"Oh here's my schedule."

I took it and looked it over. Wow, he has a lot of his classes with me. He just didn't have second and eighth period with me. Then it clicked. The school always tends to pair up the new kids with students they find exemplary. Guess I'm Dustin's partner. Oh well, this boy seems pretty cool. 

"Wow, seems like your gonna be in a lot of my classes." I said giving his schedule back. 

"Really? Great, I get to see you all the much more." 

I laughed at his comment. I have a feeling me and him are gonna be really close friends. 

"Mr. Xu, you'll have more time to socialize later. Now we have to focus on our school work." Mrs.Mafter scolded him. 

"Yes Mrs. Mafter. I understand, sorry."

I glanced over at Brent and saw him staring murderously at Dustin. What? Why does he look all jealous? Dustin just a new kid who's being friendly. Right?


UH OH! Something stirring in Brent's and Kayla's little relationship! Teehee I like this new character. Reminds me of someone I met.... ANYWAY happy reading!

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