Chapter 15

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****Brent's POV**** 

Where's Kayla?! The bells gonna ring any minute now and she's still not here yet. What's taking her bus so long?! Her bus use to be late last year, but her bus hasn't been late once this year. Oh, finally! There's her bus. Come on Kayla hurry up! Get off the bus so we can walk, well more like run, to homeroom. Finally! There she is. Wait, who's that person she's talking to? She turns her head around and I see the guy she's talking to. Dustin?!

"Kayla!" I yelled. She jerked her head my way and smiled, jogging over to me. 

"Hey Brent." she said a little breathless while enveloping me in a hug. 

"Hey, even though I don't wanna let go, I have to cause your bus was really late and unless we hurry, we're gonna get detention." I said letting go and dragging her behind me. 

"Wait, lemmi just go get Dustin." she said while yanking out of my grasp and running to him. What the hell?!?! Did she just ditch me to go get that douche Dustin?! Why does she even care about him?! Just get to class and let him deal with being late. She grabbed Dustin's hand and started running over here. Oh fantastic, she's holding his hand now. That's suppose to be me! Does she like him or something?! 

"Kay, come on. We're all gonna be late if we don't run." she said letting go of his hand and grabbing mine. Ha! Take that asshole! We all started running to class and we just barely made it. As soon as we stepped in the bell rang. Mrs. Mafter gave us a stern look, but then Mr. Ross' voice came over the loud speaker saying Kayla's bus is late and allow any students from said bus in. I then sent Mrs. Mafter a cocky smirk and sat at my seat. Kayla gives Mrs. Mafter the same look and saunters over to her seat. Dustin went to his seat right next to, grrr, Kayla. Why did there have to be an empty seat next to her?!

Homeroom was a big bore and I practically ran out of there when the bell rang. Of course, I waited for Kayla at the door. When she came out she smiled at me and took my hand.

"I need to drop by my locker quickly." she said heading to her locker. 

"Kay." I said following her. 

I leaned against my locker while I waited for her to finish (A/N in case you forgot, their lockers are next to each other.) I saw Dustin looking at her waiting. What the hell is this dude's problem?! Doesn't he know its rude to stare at people?! Especially another dude's girlfriend. That kid is seriously getting on my last nerve. I saw Kayla close her locker and I slung my arm around her shoulder and started walking in the direction of our next class. 

"Hey Kayla?" Dustin asked her. 

"Yeah Dustin what's up?" she said. I tightened my grip around her shoulders, but Kayla shot my a questioning look. I loosened my grip and smiled at her. She turned her attention back to Dustin.

"I think I left my jacket at your house. Do you think I can come over and look?" he asked her. What the fuck?! What was he doing at her house?! 

"Oh yeah sure. I'm not sure if you did, but yeah, you can come over." she said acting like this isn't a big deal. She only met this dude yesterday?! And now they're already buddy buddy, going over to each others' house?!

"Cool. Thanks Kayla. Later." he said while heading to his class. 

"Bye Dustin! Come on. We better head off." she told me. 

I didn't want to be nosy, but I couldn't help the anger rushing through. "What was he doing at your house?" 

"Oh, turns out our parents are coworkers and my parents invited them over for dinner."

"That's it? Nothing else?"

"Yeah, although I found out he lives just around the corner from me. The irony huh?" 

"Yeah sure." Are you effing kidding me?! These two practically live in the same house now!! That dude is not gonna steal Kayla away from me!

****Dustin's POV****

Thank god she fell for that. I didn't even bring a jacket with me to their house. She can be so naive sometimes. But she's still cute. Happy to have an excuse to go over to her house, I strode into class with a big grin on my face. I spotted Travis, a kid I met and became friends with. 

"Hey man." I said while plopping down on my seat. 

"Hey, what's up with the grin?" he ask.

"Nothing." I say while wiping the grin off me. I know he's friends with Brent, and I'm not that mean to steal his girlfriend away from him. Just flirt with her innocently and that's it. 

"Sure. If anything, I say its got something to do with a girl." Travis said giving me a knowing look. 

"What? Yeah right. Trust me, it's got nothing to do with a girl." I said while trying not to look him in the eye. 

"Then why were you grinning like a mad man?" 

"I-uh-um- found 5 bucks on the floor before I came here!" Yeah I know, a super lame excuse, but it was the best I could come up with. Besides, I'm a greedy cheap asian. I would be excited to find money. 

"Oh yeah? Then where's this money?" Crap, uh come on. I know my mom gave me some money for lunch. Where's my money?! Yes! Found some money. I pulled out some cruppled bills. I quickly showed them to Travis, but to realize that's its only 3 bucks! Damn it mom! 

"You said you found five bucks. That's only 3." he said chuckling. He's obviously laughing at my expense. 

"Uh yeah well-um, I did find 5 bucks, but in singles. I guess two of the dollars fell out before I got here!" I said triumphantly. 

"Okay, now that your done with that crappy story, you gonna tell me the real reason your all smiley like a penguin on crack?" 

"Nope!" I said popping the p. Thankfully the bell rang, and class started. I couldn't really pay attention the teacher cause my thoughts wandered over to Kayla. God I am so messed up. Yeah sure, it's okay if I think she's cute, but I can't be crushing on her when she's already taken. I've seen Brent get pissed too many times at me whenever I'm around Kayla. And I've already had a moment where I was so tempted to kiss her. But I'm not some sicko who would do that. Even though I just met them, I'm not messing up their relationship when they just started it. 

Soon enough, class ended and I was making my way to third. I was almost there when I saw Brent give Kayla a quick peck on the lips before he left to go to his class. I felt a surge of jealousy, but I quickly rid of it cause I shouldn't even be jealous. 

"Hey." I said to Kayla. She whipped around and smiled at me. 

"Hey yourself." she said. 

"Is that you trying to be flirty?" I asked amused. 

"What? No! It was me saying hi back to you idiot." she said while slapping my arm. 

"Hey no need for violence." 

"Oh poor baby. You have no idea what I'm cable of." she said mysteriously with a smirk on her face. She sauntered into class and took her sit. 

"Oh I'm look foward to finding out." I mumbled under my breath while walking in to take my seat. 


Yeah, my chapters are getting boring. I have something in mind, but I don't wanna use it just yet. I'll try to make these alot more interesting but yeah, please please PLEASE just deal with my boring ass story and be patient.

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