Chapter 4

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Shit. Probably shouldn't have said that. She can't find out who I like. I mean, I can always lie and say it was Melissa. I wouldn't be technically lying since I used to like her, but what if she doesn't believe me? She'll won't want to be my friend anymore if she knew. And I love being her friend. For now it's the best I can do and I'm happy with that. 

But I can't seem to stop thinking about her. I mean, god she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I've liked 3 other girls before her, but man, she tops all of them. Of course the height isn't the best for me, since I'm such a shorty compared to her, but she's beautiful, smart, funny, down to earth, and never takes shit from anyone. 

She was my dream girl. It takes everything in me to not jump her and kiss her. I can only imagine how her lips feel. God I'm in some deep crap cause I've basically fallen for her. And it stings to know she doesn't feel the same way. Yea she says she loves me, but I know she means it in a best friend way. Hearing everyone say we should go out, and then hearing her say that's completely unrealistic is heart wrenching. I'm happy that people actually think we'd make a cute couple, but why doesn't she?! Can't she see how I look at her? I mean my friends always say how obvious it is that I like her, and I've even heard Connie tell her she thinks I like her. I'm I really that easy to read? But of course, she just rejected the idea and said Connie was mental. She'll never know exactly how bad that hurt. 

Ugh why did I have to fall for you Kayla??

****Kayla's POV****

Not a single moment passed in orchestra where I didn't pester Brent to tell me. But that boy is hard to crack! Why won't he tell me?! I'm his freaking best friend, he can tell me anything! I've tried everything I could think of, blackmail, bribing, swapping secrets, to down right begging him on my knees. Does he just not trust me enough? That really hurt to think that he doesn't trust me cause I trust him with my life. Yea, I know what you're thinking, you seem to really love that guy, maybe more than just as friends. Yea well you don't know Brent. Brent's the only guy in this school who isn't an asshole or a douchebag or a horndog. He's actually the nicest guy I know. 

And to make this class worse, the orchestra teacher asked me about Snow and Jamie. How the hell does she even know Jamie?! Jamie was in band, not orchestra! But then I hear her say, "Oh I remember how great Jamie sounded during the concerts! She was definetly a good choice for first chair!" That's when I remembered that all the musics teachers have heard Jamie and Snow play. Why the hell did those two have to be perfectionist at every damn thing?!

The rest of the morning was pretty uneventful, aside from the teachers that continued to talk to me. Since Jamie just graduated, alot of her lower classmen friends approached me, but they weren't annoying like the teachers. Most of them were people who knew her from track, with a couple who were siblings of Snow's friends, and I soon befriended them. Needless to say the day wasn't all that bad. 

The second the bell rang signalling the end of the day was like music to my ears. Of course some teachers had to be asses and give us homework. I think most of them were about how we feel about being here the high school. Yea like the million of times they asked us today and last year weren't enough of an answer for them. 

Whatever, I'm not gonna worry about that now. 

While heading off to my bus, I spotted Brent and his friends. I started making my way over there, determined to find out who he likes. 

I saw him see me and he knew what I wanted. Oh you better confess. 

****Brent's POV****

Finally school's over! It's only the first day and I'm already itching for vacation. 

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