Chapter 6

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****Kayla's POV****

The week passed by in quite a blur. It was all the regular stuff. By now, most of the people were used to the whole new grade in the school. Well, I did say most. There was always a bunch of older students who constantly picked on the 8th grade cause they said "This is a school, not a freaking day care." 

Yeah, like they could get on my nerves. If they annoy me to the extent, then lets say they'll get a kick to their crotch. 

Turns out the school wanted to make us even more 'comfortable', so they decided to give us a Welcome Dance next Friday. Of course, all the 'barbies' in our school are absolutely excited and are fretting on what they'll wear. Really? This isn't freaking prom. You have a whole 5 more years til you start to worry about that. And are you seriously gonna wear a ball gown to a simple dance? This is suppose to be like the dances back in middle school, where we just wore regular clothes. But no!! Since it's now high school, you gotta wear dresses!

Whatever. The dance seems like fun. Time to catch up on things. Of course I'm not fretting on what to wear. I already got my outfit ready. T-shirt and jean shorts. 

Anyway, I was home on my laptop. I felt my phone buzz and saw that I had a text. 

Brent: hey there cutie

Huh? Cutie? He has to be joking with me right?

Me: lol nice u almost got me

Brent: lol yeah anyway u excited for the dance?

Me: i guess seems like fun but i feel like the high school is trying to bribe us

Brent: lol yeah but hey we get a dance! thats not tht bad

Me: yeah sure anyway u going with anyone?? ;)

Brent: no im not going with anyone

Me: what about tht girl ur crushing on?

Brent: im not gonna ask her! r u crazy?!

Me: y not?!?! take a chance for once and ask her!

Brent: NO! ik she'll say no

Me: dont u want a girlfriend??

Brent: well dont u want a boyfriend??

That brought me up short. I've never really thought about dating. Having strict Chinese parents, you don't get to date til college. But have I ever really wanted a boyfriend though? 

Me: uk my parents. ill never get a boyfriend til college. besides most of the boys in school r assholes

Brent: lol yea right well am i an asshole?

Me: DONT EVER THINK ABOUT THT!! of course ur not an asshole ur my best friend

Brent: lol nice to hear tht

Me: look i got some homework to do ill talk to u later bii love ya<3

Whoa. Why did I say love ya at the end? I mean I've said that before, but it's always luv, that's not as serious, and I only do that when we don't see each other for a long time, so why did I do it just then? Oh god, what if Brent gets the wrong impression? What if he thinks I like him in a romantic way? 

Do I? Do I like Brent that way? I mean ya, he's my only guy best friend, but have I developed feelings for him? 

No. No way have I started to like him. That would be awkward and completely cliche. PMSing. Has to be. I guess some kind of after effect or something. I can be such a weirdo some times. 



k i decided to upload cuz i hav something in store for the next chapter >:) but i felt like i needed a filler so HERE IT IS!!!

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