Chapter 28

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****Kayla's POV****

Three weeks. It's been three weeks since Dustin's accident, and he still haven't woken up yet. Everyday, I run here and sit with him all day, just hoping he'll wake up. I can't be bother with anything else, ignoring everyone, not even paying attention my school work. The only thing on my mind was to get the hospital as fast as I can so I can be there when Dustin wakes up, if he ever does. 

I was in my last period class, just staring at the blank wall right above the clock. I was staring at the clock, trying to get time to move faster, but it turns out staring at a clock just makes time slower. It doesn't stop me from glancing at the clock every 30 seconds or so. 

Becca's in this class with me, sitting the the left of me. Brent's in this class too, but he's been absent ever since our arguement. Yeah, three weeks. You'd think he'd be over it by now, but no, he's too heartbroken to even leave his room. His mom called me, asking if I knew what was causing Brent to act so depressed. I told her what he did. Needless to say, she was less then happy to hear what he did, but was also a little mad at me since I'm the one who told him to stay out of my life. Like I care, Brent brought this on himself, he has to learn to deal with it. 

Everytime I blink, it gets harder for me to open them up. I haven't been sleeping good lately, but I could care less. Every other night I stay in the hospital with Dustin, the other nights go to his parents. Whenever I'm not with him, I just lay in bed, waiting for sleep to come. I did sleep one night, but I had a nightmare, reliving the accident. I woke up to my mom shaking me awake. Turns out I was screaming and she was trying to calm me down. After that, I just couldn't sleep again, in fear of seeing that dream again. 

My parents and friends are also worrying about my eating habits. They keep saying I'm not eating anymore, but like everything else, I could care less. I don't feel hungry, ever. If I try to eat, I'll probably just throw up. My stomach feels empty, cold, but twisted up so much it feels like a two ton stone's in it. I just keep drinking water and sucking on ice cubes, even though it's so cold it could snow. I barely feel it though, my body's been cold ever since his accident. 

"Kayla!" someone says in my ear. I look around startled, wondering who called me. I see Becca looking at me, urgently pointing at the teacher, who I just realized is standing in front of me. 

"Ms. Feng, are you going to answer the question?" Mr. Hunter said stiffly. 

"Huh?" I said tiredly.

"Do you have the answer to the problem or not?" he snapped. 

"Nope." I said before letting my head hit the table. 

"Ms. Feng! You need to pay attention in class and respect me more!" he yelled at me. I scoffed under my breath, not bothering to lift my head up. Normally I wouldn't be acting like this. I would be paying attention, writing down everything and acting like the good little nerd I know I am, but I just haven't had the energy for the past three weeks. My mind is too preoccupied to even give a crap about school. I know my grades are dropping, since the school decided to ring my parents and tell me, who then proceeded to give me crap about it. Of course, they weren't too harsh about it since they understand what I'm going through, but they told me to pick up my grades or I wouldn't be allowed out of the house for the next month. This is what I get for having Asian parents.

"Ms. Feng! I told you to pay attention! Now get your head off your desk and copy down these problems!" Mr. Hunter yelled. I begrudgedly picked my head up and yanked my notebook out of my backpack. I of course zoned out and started doodling in my notebook, trying to pass the time. I must have been really out of it because when I finally hear the bell ring, I look down and see that a drew various gory sketches of Dustin, all battered up and bloody, lying on the sidewalk. It's wonder how I knew it was Dusitn since his face was barely recognizable, from my bad drawing and all the bruises he was sporting. 

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